China’s Youth Are Quitting the Rat Race to ‘Let It Rot’ to World – 968 points –
China’s Youth Are Quitting the Rat Race to ‘Let It Rot’

Young people in China are becoming more rebellious, questioning their nation’s traditional expectations of career and family


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Amazing arc, like watching the last 120 years in the US compressed down to a couple decades. From rural to industrial powerhouse to the kids going “fuck this shit”.

What’s next?

It's like watching a speedrun: Capitalism any%.

Next? Some of them have to be thinking "wait, this is a communist country, isn't it?"

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What’s next?

A gigantic Lemmy instance?

They already have two.

Without draconian censorship you can't really replicate the experience of Chinese social media. I mean, I'm sure I'd be able to say things like sprinkling pepper 撒胡椒面 or facilitating commerce while loosening my clothing 通商宽衣.

Just doesn't feel the same.

Civil war, if our current trajectory is any indication.

I mean, that was almost a national sport over there, before the CPC.

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