Workplace well-being initiatives don't boost employee mental health to Not The – 477 points –
Workplace well-being initiatives don't boost employee mental health

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Here, have a slice of pizza.

My boss bought me pizza once! It wasn't as good as the pizzas I used to buy myself, but who can afford non-work-pizza anymore?

I think work-pizza is making my teeth hurt, but my ex-dentist is all like "tell your job to pay me."

Hey, do any of y'all wake up crying, too? My boss says it's allergies in my home; my boss is so nice, they'll even let me stay at work extra-long so I don't have to deal with my home-allergies and they only need me to do extra work without telling anyone in exchange!

Anyway, I don't love work-pizza, but it's better than waking up crying!

Whoops! Another tooth fell out... I bet the new ones are gonna look beautiful when they grow back in like my boss said they will.

The writers for Outer Worlds are here folks ;)

Oh wow! You think my writing is good enough that people might think I'm semi-literate??? Of all the replies I've ever received, this is definitely one of them, and I'll likely sometimes remember it!