AI discovers that not every fingerprint is unique to – 175 points –
AI discovers that not every fingerprint is unique

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Imaging explaining to a jury:

A statistical model says that there is a 99% chance these two finger prints belong to the same person. We don't know how this model works and it was not programmed by a human. We will be taking no further questions.

Imagine finding a suspect with this method, and not taking their actual finger prints to check if the match is correct.

They do know how it works: it detected a pattern in the difference between fingers and checks that.

Also this would usually not be needed explained to a jury. If they have the suspect in custody they can just check their fingerprints directly.

That's again 2 fingerprints to compare: one from the crime scene, and one from the suspect.

Yeah but comparing a fingerprint to a finger is a simpler test than comparing a fingerprint to another fingerprint and checking if they may be two fingers from the same person.

You could hypothetically show the jury literally ALL of the math!

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