UK-US air strikes launched against Houthis in Yemen to World – 290 points –
US and UK launch strikes against Houthi militants in Yemen - BBC News

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I guess we've arrived at the part where a bunch of low-information lemmings come to say that Biden is bad for striking Houti terrorists who have been attacking and hijacking international shipping lanes, after being warned multiple times over the last weeks to stop. Boo fucking hoo.

Pro tip: when the US military gives you a "final warning" to knock off your shit, maybe listen.

Only the US is allowed to enforce sanctions or institute a blockade. Silly Yemen.

A blockade is an act of war. If you're going to commit an act of war. Don't be surprised when there's a response.


That's an embargo. Non US businesses and ships are free to interact with Cuba. The US doesn't stop other countries from trading with Cuba.

Do you think America enforces sanctions against Russia by attacking their civilians?

Follow up, do you have a clue how anything in the world actually works?

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Yemen is perfectly within the provisions of international law in blocking Israeli boats from transiting. The only violation of international law is if you claim that Ansar Allah is not the rightful and legitimate government of Yemen.

I can only imagine being so brainwashed to believe that the Houthis harassing, threatening and attacking one of the biggest international trade routes on Earth, while indiscriminately targeting ships from various countries and ignoring multiple warnings from the UN, Britain and the US, is in any way legitimate.

They attacked civilian ships, they were warned not to, they didn't stop attacking civilian ships, and now they've been retaliated against as promised. Let's see if they're smart enough to finally stop fucking with international civilian trade ships.

But when americans use naval ships to stop civilian ships from getting to Cuba is that them threatening and attacking civilians?

ignoring multiple warnings from the UN, Britain and the US

So everyone needs to follow Americas orders without question?

They attacked civilian ships

Thats how a blockade works, yes.

The US doesn't have a blockade on Cuba. They have an embargo which only affects US ships and businesses. Basically a ban on Americans conducting business with Cuba.

When the US did institute a blockade it was to prevent Russia placing nuclear weapons there. And it was tightly enforced around the island. Not on any ship heading into the Caribbean.

Thanks for this response, I didn't have the mental capacity to frame it this well.

Transiting international water? Lmao no.

Enforcing a blockade while at war? Lmao yes.

So you admit the Houthis have declared war on the entire world.

By... Enforcing a blockade of companies that trade with Israel?

Jeez, you're really starting to sound like an antisemite with your idiotic "Jews control the world" narrative. Are you going to pull out an octopus emoji next?

I never said anything like that. The Houthis have attacked ships that are entirely irrelevant to the Israelis. That's why they've declared war on the world. I've been pretty clear about that. So we're done here since you want to try and insert stupid stuff.

Name one.

Globalization sort of means that a lot of ships and shipping companies are relevant to the Israelis.

Edit: if you name a ship that was struck with AIS off... There's a reason it's a violation of international law to turn off AIS. People might think you're trying to avoid sanctions, or something.

so US can fund genocide, but no one can protest it, got it.

are trade routes more important than actual human lives?

Why not ask the human lives on the trade vessels?

If the US Navy wasn't swatting missiles and drones, hundreds of sailors would be at the bottom of the sea by now.

Don't forget environmental damage from spilled fuel and actual oil tankers that would be damaged. You know, like the Russian tanker they accidentally fired on today even though it had even less to do with them than anyone else in the sea.

Launching missiles at civilian ships is not a "protest".

can we worry about the environmental damage in palestine too?

oh the poor crewmembers trying to ignore the known agressive blockade, maybe someone in yemen can go to their rescue oh whoops no they will be leveled by the millions lol.

What if some of those merchant sailors (who are often so poor they can't even afford to leave port) are Palestinians? Is it okay to kill those Palestinians?

of course not. but its very disingenious to start caring about palestinians when trade routes are disrupted but not when millions of them are getting killed or displaced.

We already cared about Palestinians. It's not a mutually exclusive position.

good cause someone is actually doing something about it now...

No they're just making it worse.

well asking nicely wont stop a genocide will it?

And neither will this. In fact this just works against stopping it because it's helping Israel's allies sell the whole brown person bad line. It sucks but the proven way to stop a genocide is political pressure on those allies, a BDS movement, and international intervention at the location. Not hundreds of miles away and indiscriminately.

The crew members are there for a wage, and the ships themselves mostly have nothing to do with Israel.

A huge portion of global trade runs through the area, and it's not just "trinkets from China" as some like to say. It's grain, fuel, steel, all of the things that keep the world running in a globalized economy.

You can't blockade the entire world and not expect retaliation. If anything, I'm surprised it took this long.

well you cant cause a literal fucking genocide and expect there not to be retaliation. is trade more valuable than humans?

you know what would solve this immediatly without more deaths? stop the genocide.

As ugly as it sounds? Yes. There are nearly 8 billion humans on a planet with finite resources, globally distributed. The resources, unfortunately, are more valuable than any specific subset of humans at this point.

Without trade, billions would die. And they won't be Westerners, they'll be people who live in places where population exceeds carrying capacity. Namely, the ME and Asia.

Yemen in particular is highly dependent on foreign aid. By blocking trade the Houthis are not looking out for the people of their country any more than Hamas is looking out for the people of Palestine. In fact they are the reason Yemen is starving. I'm not sure why so many people on Lemmy are professing support for an illegitimate, theocratic revolutionary force.

“Arab countries and all Islamic countries will not be safe from Jews except through their eradication and the elimination of their entity.” - Al-Houthi

Yes, the Houthi are real opponents of genocide.

If the Houthis really feel like they have a dog in the fight, they could declare war on Israel and deploy and fight rather than harassing non-combatants. They're nothing but terrorists, not combatants - and if the world agrees on one thing it's that we do not negotiate with terrorists.

boohoo my stuff is taking longer to arrive.

thats a whole bunch of text to justify stopping a blockade but not stopping a genocide. literal genocide.

millions dying right now for no reason. stop the genocide and the blockade will stop, so fucking simple.

in your analysis you forgot the part where the US is funding it, and caused this whole mess in the first place.

but if youd rather have world war 3 over this wtf can i do.

Boo hoo, clearly you didn't read about how shipping is the lifeblood of the world, and it's not about some "stuff" not arriving. It's about not setting a precedent that anyone with a rocket launcher is allowed to take potshots at civilian vessels.

Without nuts and bolts and cultivator shovels and sickle knife sections Canada won't have grain to export to the rest of the world. Oh no, we don't make any of those ourselves? The world is extremely co-dependent now, which is part of the reason that we don't have any major wars going on.

You know who can stop this right now? Hamas can stop this right now. They are clearly not going to "win". Their prolonged actions are only causing suffering to their own people. They could do the honourable thing and SURRENDER which would end the war right now. But they aren't going to do that, because they aren't fighting for benefit of the Gazan people. They're fighting because they hate the Jews.

Israel walked away from Gaza many years ago, left it entirely under its own governance. If its people had put the past aside and chosen a path that led to alliances and peaceful cooperation with the world, it could be a bustling trade hub and a beautiful little vacation destination on the shores of the Mediterranean.

Instead they chose their hatred of the Jews and spent decades launching rockets into Israel.

The same applies to the Houthis. Yemen could be a prosperous nation like its neighbours. Instead it's a war-torn dump in abject poverty. Ever wonder why we sell weapons to our questionable "ally" of Saudi Arabia to fight them? Because for all that SA is terrible, the Houthis are worse.

Do you think their Iranian backers will tell them to back down once they learn that they have full control over a major shipping lane, and the ability to blackmail the world with it? That's the true path that leads to WW3.


another wall of text to justify death.

It is possible to read the text, you know. You might learn something about how the world works.

i learned you like justifying death very much

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Protests do not involve launching explosives at civilians.

then stop throwing explosives at palestine and yemen, very simple.

That's not how that works. Nobody ever stopped a war by starting another.

not war, genocide.

genocide can be simply stopped.

who really started this war? who is getting bombed by the millions now?

Lol. You do not get to attack random cargo ships and say the countries policing the ocean started it.

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