People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. to Mildly – 610 points –

I have a disability and want to smack these jerks with my cane.


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Not that it's necessarily the case here, but I destroyed my knee and had crutches etc for a while, and I just got a tag to hang from my mirror.

Someone walked up before I got out of the car yelling about how I can't park there, and then I got out with my crutches and knee wheelie and pointed at the handicap tag on my rear-view mirror.

Again, probably not the case here, but I had that thing for about a month, and I caught a ton of dirty looks and stuff because people assumed all handicapped indicators are on license plates.

I think they're pointing out the person parked in the area used for wheelchair loading. The yellow hashed area. You shouldn't park there tag or not.

And why the fuck does the license on the back say international auto sales?

Perhaps because the injury was caused by a car accident?

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I'm talking about that too, and, yes, you can "park" there if you're handicapped for whatever reason and the other spot is taken. It's specifically designed for people who need wider access to get out of the car. It's called the GORE area, and, given the design of this area, I wouldn't suggest staying there long term because it blocks the most direct access to the handicapped accessible sidewalk, but you are certainly allowed to pull up and get out there.

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I hate citizens who play cops. To them I say: Unless you are the person looking at the X-rays and medical clipboard, you cannot make the judgement on what someone else is going through. If you are bugged by someone in the handicap parking space and didn’t even take the time to look over to see a sign on their vehicle, go talk to the manager in the building. Don’t target the person struggling to get out of their vehicle. That’s not your job.

OP is talking about the car in the yellow striped zone, which is not a parking space. It's space reserved for ramps for the adjacent handicap parking spaces.

"my lawyer just won a massive case against someone pretending to be doctor- what's your lawyers' number, please?"

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