Incels need more mental health help - Swansea University report to – 247 points –
Incels need more mental health help - Swansea University report

Research says involuntary celibate men make "fundamental errors" about what women want in a partner.


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I can see that. These guys don't know how to date/flirt etc they didn't have the same milestones others kids did. They should have learned when everyone in their cohort was learning. Imagine if you didn't learn the fundamentals of any subject but had to keep going to harder and harder levels. End up with the dating mind of a 13 year old trying to deal with 23 year olds. Of course you need experience to get experience like a fucking zen riddle so they fall even further behind. Partners don't want to deal with the awkward insanity of a boy in a man's body.

To be honest, dating 20+ is a shit show. The things i learned about dating in my teens didn't help me dating in my 30's. Sure they have issues dating but we all do. It's the willingness to learn, adapt, and care for someone else that i don't see in incels and that isn't learned from dating in your teens. They seem to blame outside forces for their issues and not seek to improve themselves

Well for me it made a big difference. I don't think me and my wife would have stayed together had it not been for other woman I had dated prior. Learned how to have an argument, how to show random acts of kindness, gotten the nerve up to tell them when they are hurting you unintentionally, etc. This stuff didn't come naturally to me.

100%! I am not saying learning these things doesn't help. But blaming lack of dating in their teens for an incel becoming who they are is not a valid justification in my opinion.

You can only blame yourself so much before it causes so much emotional anguish that you turn your frustration outwards.

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Partners don’t want to deal with the awkward insanity of a boy in a man’s body.

nor should they be required to; the enormous amount of work we put on women to make relationships work is already crushing. This reminds me of the screeds about how "liberal women will need to compromise for the good of the demographics of the country, they'll need to date conservatives of course!" - THEY REALLY THINK THIS SHIT. They feel they're being DISCRIMINATED against for their views hahahaha, that's how fucked up they are.

it's obscene.

This right there is the source of most of my anxiety

Try interacting with women without the expectation of an intimate relationship. And I don't mean "be friends for a while with the end goal of getting with them". I think a big issue is seeing women as an achievement instead of as people.

The thing is women don't want male friends as well. They are taught by society that men are all perverts and dangerous. So when men try to make friends, they're automatically suspicious or just straight up reject them.

What? Most women I know, including myself, have male friends. What are you on about? Are you doing a bit, per your username?

I am not sure exactly what to advise, I imagine the longer you don't do something about this the worst is going to get. So maybe be proactive?

This is exactly my situation and it seems to get more dire every year that I stay single. I wish I could upvotes you a thousand times.

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