Blackout is still on IGNORE THE FUD to Lemmy.World – 394 points –

Important to remember only 3200 subs originally committed to the blackout. We had almost 3x that number join. More than 2x are still dark!


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I really want to exclusively switch to Lemmy, but as it stands I'll probably end up starting to use Reddit again as soon as the the vast majority of the blackout ends (I'm not gonna give in easily, but once it's mostly over, there's no point in me continuing).

The problem for me is that on Reddit even extremely niche communities had a substantial amount of members and activity, whereas Lemmy is smaller than Reddit, so everything scales down proportionally, meaning that suddenly communities that were niche on Reddit are infinitesimally tiny or even just absent on Lemmy. Like, there's no malazan community, elitedangerous and wheeloftime are dead, amiga is dead, and so on.

I actually got a ton of extremely high quality, positive interaction on the subreddits I was on, because I almost entirely stayed away from the really popular subreddits, and I'm losing all that moving to here, where the popular communities have higher quality interaction but the smaller communities have way worse interaction. Also, Reddit is a massive treasure-trove of useful niche information for me.

Yeah I might hop onto reddit on desktop only with an ad blocker JUST for the smaller interest based communities that took years to build up. But the big stuff like gaming or news? I'll be using this plus Mastodon.

I'm taking the same mindset - curating social media vs big gulping it. Thank you spez and elon for me reboot.

ya i think that build up is important

really if you can just get enough people over here, that shit starts to really ball up

tho im also kinda into the small community thing, i would love to start recognizing UN like i did in older forum days

I can appreciate that. I would suggest do both - go back to the niche reddits while they work for you, and hopefully things don't get even worse to affect that. Meanwhile, check back to these newer alternatives often to see what's going on. Perhaps at some point you can either have both worlds or even finally transition away. You have to do what works for you in the end.

Right now the baseball team specific subredditd are all I'm missing. I've strongly considered hosting a sport zone kbin instance once my financials look a little different

When you go back you can gently encourage those folks to come here. If you aren't interested in modding a community here, you can ask the mods of those subreddits to start them.

There's a lot of chatter about joining the fediverse in subs like /r/RedditAlternatives, but you don't see people talking about the selling points in those small subs. You can start those conversations. Maybe there's no takers, and that's fine. But if you like it here theres a good chance others will too.

“You’re the worst social media I’ve ever heard of”

“But you have heard of me” - Capt. Jack Lemming

Nah man, that goes to the short lived and hate filled Voat.

That's a really good idea! If there's anything I feel I'm good at, it's communication, and selling people on ideas!

Same, I had a lot of hobby communities on reddit that I really enjoyed. I will probably use it when I want that experience while Lemmy grows. Hopefully one day, and with people like us' encouragement to migrate, Lemmy instances will have enough traffic to host these more niche groups.

I hope so! I'm definitely going to do my best to promote Lemmy on Reddit in those niche communities. I wish I had the time and personality to actually start the communities I want to see on Lemmy, but sadly I don't.

I'm trying to help get engagement in the WoT community! I just don't know what to post lol

Me neither lol. Posting kind of only makes sense when you're currently reading/rereading the series,and I'm not right now, so it's hard to come up with content.

A digression, but it is the same high quality niche information that LLM's are after I believe. I'd be curious about what you think the trove's longevity in terms of relevance is? I ask as the more timeless it is the less chance it will be replaced, and the more valuable it is a s a learning resource.

I woulad also agree that it makes sense to split your time, personally. I hope some of those communities begin to shift, but it is a idol dream.