In Biden’s pledge to ‘shut’ border, a stunning political shift with Trump-like rhetoric to politics – 34 points –
Analysis: In Biden’s pledge to ‘shut’ border, a stunning political shift | CNN Politics

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I do not want Russia to win, but aren't we really getting to the point that Biden needs to cut his losses on aiding Ukraine and the world will have to hope that Europe steps up?

Edit: If you disagree, please tell me at what point the concessions to the Republicans are too much to agree to in order to fund sending weapons to Ukraine.

Honestly, this is how government works in our system.

It’s not perfect but it’s how things get done and letting Russia win would set a TERRIBLE precedent for their future expansion goals and for China’s inevitable moves on Taiwan.

Nothing short of domestic capitulation to fascism is too much to stop support for Ukraine. We can reverse shitty policies. We can't reverse the destruction of sovereignty and genocide of a people by an imperialist power.

Isn't denying desperate people asylum capitulation to fascism?

If that were the case, we would have been a fascist state long ago.

There are multiple steps toward fascism and shutting down the border is absolutely one of them.

I don't think we agree on what fascism is, then.

It hits at least two points on Eco's 14 features of fascism-

  1. Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”

  2. Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”

There's a reason that's it's 14 points, and not 2 points. I can name any number of things that fit individual points or small combinations of points, yet are very distinctly not fascism or a step towards fascism. Fascism is a movement, an ideology, a worldview, not a single policy.

A movement that Republicans embrace, so how many concessions should they be given?

As I said, any number of concessions on policy that do not increase their power (ie capitulation to fascism).

Giving them what they want does increase their power.

Do you think they're going to allow the border to be opened again and asylum seekers allowed in again one of these days because they love immigrants so much?

Giving them what they want does increase their power.

93% of Americans share some concern about border. Do your really think holding out on behalf of principles and us 7% of sane individuals strengthens the non-fascists, in a democratic system?

Do you think they’re going to allow the border to be opened again and asylum seekers allowed in again one of these days because they love immigrants so much?

... do you think that's what the current compromise bill being proposed does? And do you think that any policy enacted will be unable to be repealed under a non-fascist government?

Sorry, is "shares some concerns about the border" the same as "wanting to shut everything down and stop anyone from coming in?"

And if shutting down the border is not what is being proposed, maybe Biden shouldn't be pledging to shut down the border.

We're a country whose most famous symbol has a poem welcoming people seeking asylum at its base. The irony seems lost.

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I understand the sentiment. We’re now in the early stages of Idiocracy where Americans don’t understand support for Ukraine. I’ve tried explaining it and they just don’t get it. The U.S. is heading towards isolationism and it won’t change whether it’s a democrat or republican in office. All that we can hope is that Biden wins while still keeping in line with his advisors.

There’s also the chance that Trump finally releases his grip on the GOP (not willingly, of course) and Republicans start to come back to reality. Then we could have people like Lankford be the new standard for GOP senators as opposed to Cruz, Blackburn, and Hawley. At least he’ll work with Democrats. The rest only want to obstruct. And when they only want to obstruct, we’re left with a broken border system and a strategic ally scrambling for spare ammo.

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