Video shows Israeli soldier forcing detained Palestinians to say 'we want to be slaves' to World – 340 points –
Video shows Israeli soldier forcing detained Palestinians to say 'we want to be slaves'

A video has been shared on social media appearing to show an Israeli soldier coercing detained Palestinians to describe themselves as slaves.

The clip shows blindfolded detainees sitting on a coach, repeating words in Hebrew after a man speaking from behind the camera.

"We'd like to congratulate the Azoulai family, lots of love and great success. We, the terrorists from Gaza are very afraid of the entire Azoulai family," the men repeat.

"The Azoulai family is very, very, very, very respectable, important and we want to be slaves of the Azoulai family forever and ever. [We want] to work for them in sewage and gardening and a do a very good job," they continue.


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Israel is beyond irredeemable at this point. We need mass protests against our governments who are supporting them.

And where are all those proud Israeli supporting cowards who come out to tell us how evil Hamas is every thread that isn’t showing Israels war crimes?

I think this soldier should be given a lengthy prison sentence.

They will be given a promotion

Might even be PM one day.

Historically, several Israeli PMs have been involved in or associated with groups that committed massacres on civilians in that country's various conflicts.

Let's be clear, their government is irredeemable. I'm sure their people don't all agree with this. I know Jewish people here who are otherwise Zionists and are disgusted af at Israel's genocidal rampage.

Jewish people and Zionists are two entirely different things. Many Jews protest against Zionism

(Checks dictionary) Zionism is simply supporting the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. Technically anyone who supports Israel's existence at all, is a Zionist. I was actually meaning to say those who support crushing Hamas, even all of them that I know find Israel's actions heinous to the point of kicking Netanyahu out of office. The internet Zionists are far more virulent than what I see IRL. I don't know any Jewish people who want Israel to disappear as a nation, which would be the dictionary antonym to Zionism.

American Jews against Zionism have blocked highways to protest against israel.

"Not in our name" was one of the first groups to stand up against israel three months ago

I don't really know any Jewish person who doesn't sympathize with this, even if where I live is way too far from LA or NYC. I honestly don't know where these people are who support what's happening to the Palestinians. Maybe we live in a bubble?

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