Maryland bill would force gun owners to get $300K liability insurance to wear or carry to politics – 1021 points –
Maryland bill would force gun owners to get $300K liability insurance to wear or carry | WBFF

Maryland House Democrats introduced a controversial gun safety bill requiring gun owners to forfeit their ability to wear or carry without firearm liability insurance.

Introduced by Del. Terri Hill, D-Howard County, the legislation would prohibit the “wear or carry” of a gun anywhere in the state unless the individual has obtained a liability insurance policy of at least $300,000.

"A person may not wear or carry a firearm unless the person has obtained and it covered by liability insurance issued by an insurer authorized to do business in the State under the Insurance Article to cover claims for property damage, bodily injury, or death arising from an accident resulting from the person’s use or storage of a firearm or up to $300,000 for damages arising from the same incident, in addition to interest and costs,” the proposed Maryland legislation reads.


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If you are poor buying a gun should not be your priority anyways. why do poor people need guns? It's not like they are going out hunting for their food still.

YEAH! Stupid fucking poors, if your neighborhood is so dangerous just get a better job and move to a gated community like the one RagingRobot here lives in! You're too poor and stupid to handle protecting yourself anyway and since you're so poor who cares if you die?

Buying a gun only makes your neighborhood more dangerous

Well it makes it much more likely that someone will be shot for one thing lol. The more guns in the neighborhood the more likely someone is getting shot or a child gets a hold of it by mistake. All kinds of stuff can happen and just introducing a gun to the situation statistically increases the chance someone gets hurt.

@RagingRobot i would prefer a working-class based self-armed force and I will be joining it for revolution. Giving up weapon only makes you unsafe.

Send us your address, all us lemmy users can chip in and and gift you a big big ass weapon for your 14th birthday next year

@RagingRobot Then who is gonna protect you? Police?

Protect me from who? I have never been in a situation where I need to pull a gun on someone and I never will be. If someone wants to rob me they can I have insurance. They would really have no reason to want to kill me. I'm not anyone's enemy.

What are you so scared of?

@RagingRobot From Nazi's militia, from school shooters, from your boss, your landlord and make sure your insurance really wants to pay for your claim.
Sounds like you scared of nothing? It only proves you are a landlord, business owner, or you are a white man from Nazi's militia.

I only have insurance because it was required to get a mortgage but I am thankful to have it in case I need it. I need a house to live in and I don't need a gun but I'm not even complaining that it's required. So not because I am scared exactly but yeah that's how I deal with risk. In a modern civilized way.

I don't lock myself in my house with a bunch of guns peeking out the window waiting for bad guys to show up. The average person doesn't need to worry about that stuff.


  1. You can Google how much money those insurance company worth on stock market. You will also find how much those CEOs get paid.
  2. You don't need to pay for mortgage for your house or food if WE are united with guns on our hand.
  3. Civilized being exploited and killed?
  4. No you don't need to lock yourself.

Great, so if someone tries to kill me I should just let them do it for a marginal "increase" in "neighborhood safety" (not my safety of course after I'm murdered.) That makes sense.

What shitty thing did you do to someone that you think they want to kill you?

What shitty thing did Emitt Till do that made people want to kill him? What shitty thing did Harvey Milk do to make people want to kill him? JFK? MLK?

What shitty thing did you do today? Victim blame.

JFK was surrounded by people with guns and it didn't help him one bit though. I wasn't blaming anyone.

I was questioning why you are so scared?

Oh word and that is what you're putting forth as your theory of "what JFK did to make people want to kill him?" Interesting take on the conspiracy, can't say I agree but you're entitled to your own opinion. Personally I think he wasn't shot at all, his head just did that.

Also, are you really comparing yourself to MLK? You definitely should stay away from guns and sharps.

Haha. No dingus I'm refuting your "point" that "I must've done something to deserve it" that "made these people want to kill me. Do trans people deserve it? The 4 women killed by abusive partners/day, do they deserve it? Foh.

I don't think I made that point unless it was in another thread, sorry I'm dealing with a lot of pro gun idiots at the moment.

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If guns make neighbourhoods safer, why isn't America the safest country in the world by a huge margin?

Feel free to stay in the violence free paradise that you've found, but don't tell anyone where this mythical utopia is or they'll surely invade.

Don't worry, it's not a secret. It's called "any other wealthy country with gun control (which is basically all of them)".

Sure, it's not exactly violence free but the chances of your child being mutilated beyond recognition by a former "responsible gun owner" are close to zero.

Even in the poorest communities, "gunshots or fireworks" just isn't a thing. Even for the most despised minority groups, "this confrontation could escalate to murder before anyone could intervene" isn't a thing.

It's way better.

Oh word y'all don't have stabbings or rapes or anything in any other country at all? News to me.

Sure, it's not exactly violence free

Ah gotcha, that's what I thought. Call me when it is.

That didn't take much prodding did it? You've just let slip your contempt for a lower crime rate, fewer murders and no monthly extremist killing as many minorities or children as they can.

I guess all your talk about criminals, rape, self defense and protecting minorities was just bullshit rhetoric after all.

If there's no gun sales in it, you openly don't care.

Lower crime rates can exist in places with high rates of gun ownership, and high crime rates can exist without legal gun ownership at all. It's almost like there are external factors and other differences between these countries that contribute to it, like wealth inequality or lack of social safety nets.

"Ohhh you don't care"

Yeah well you don't care if people get stabbed so we're even then lol.

It's almost like there are external factors and other differences between these countries that contribute to it, like wealth inequality or lack of social safety nets.

Cool, sounds like you don't need guns then.

Yeah well you don't care if people get stabbed so we're even then lol.

I'm not advocating people carry knives around, nor trying to block laws aimed at reducing knife crime. Are you this easily confused when you're carrying your guns around?

'Cept for we do because said crime.

No no, you say it's fine in other countries because no shooty, but stabby ok, don't walk it back now.

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