Jury finds Jennifer Crumbley guilty of manslaughter in son's school shooting

18-24-61-B-17-17-4@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 434 points –
Jury finds Jennifer Crumbley guilty of manslaughter in son's school shooting

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I don't have kids. No kids ever visit my house. I don't flaunt my gun ownership, nor do I leave them laying about. Why do I need a safe?

Because it’s a deadly weapon and it’s your responsibility that it is secured (not necessarily a safe). Part of responsible gun ownership.

(not necessarily a safe).

Um. wasn't that kinda my question? I didn't say they were not 'secure'.

My apologies for the confusion then, though my use of the word “safe” was secure. Keeping a gun hidden in a sock drawer != safe, though there are other ways to secure something.

Sure, i can understand that. I think there are a lot of people here that think guns somehow just up and shoot people on their own. I get what you're saying.

You always supposed to have a safe. You're supposed to keep it in a safe, even if you don't think you need to.

When people talk about irresponsible gun ownership, you're the type of person they're talking about. It's people like you who just don't care. You're not being responsible with your weapon.

What would a safe change in this specific case?

No you're supposed to have a safe. It's got nothing to do with this case it's just about gun safety in general.

explain to me why? my guns are secure. I have no children. I don't have kids in my life what so ever. they aren't laying around on tables or nightstands. explain why.

Why are you arguing with me I don't make up the law.

You are supposed to have a gun safe, you're supposed to secure your weapons. It's your choice if you don't do it whatever your justification is is irrelevant.

That is not the "LAW". in some states it might be, but it's not federal law at all.

Why do we need bet our lives on you not lying? Why do we have to tolerate people who leave handguns in cars and secure rifles with threats of domestic violence all so you, a special special snowflake who pinkie promises they're responsible, don't have to buy a safe?

What would a safe change in this specific case?

What a plot twist, a pro-gun poster who can't look beyond themselves and what they want and see the wider problems of gun ownership.

Please explain to me how the situation i described would be any different if my guns were in a safe, rather than a locked closet?

And surprise surprise, he's slow too.

"I will never drive drunk so what good are DUI laws?"

you still haven't answered any questions. just thrown insults.

"No but you don't understand, I'm not driving drunk so how would DUI laws change anything".

you're still throwing out strawman arguments.

Have you tried shooting them with your poorly secured firearms?

wow. great. much burn. so raw. Still can't answer the question.

Oh honey, it's been repeatedly answered for you, you've just been too slow to pick up on it.

I hope you're intentionally trying to make me waste my time cause otherwise holy fuck, you sure are unarmed on the internet.

Oh then be a dear and point out EXACTLY where it's been answered. Cause all I see is snark and avoidance.

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What would a safe change in this specific case?

Theft. Any time you aren't home your house turns into an unattended armory for thieves.

oh right so someone else breaking the law is somehow my fault? got it.

So answer me this. If a 'thief' breaks into your LOCKED house, steals your car keys, takes your car and kills someone else in a car accident, are you liable?

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