
Communist Capi ☭ 🇵🇸 🏳️‍🌈 to – 1317 points –

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I have to disagree. Accessibility of underground transport is abhorrent. Changing from underground to aboveground buses and trains is also shit. The space use of public transport in comparison to car infrastructure is completely negligible. If anything put all the cars underground as they are ugly and stinky. This picture also give you happy chemical because it is green and is not another dead, sealed asphalt hellscape.

I quite like underground transport, the stations can be absolutely stunning.

That might be the higher-than-is-really-safe concentration of fumes doing the stunning...

What fumes?

The toxic fumes created by all of those electric trams and subway trains, duh! /s

The London tube is full of soot from the days when they burned coal in there. It's the only subway I've been in where every time I walked out, there would be black tarry shit in my nose.

Also, the brakes for trains throw all kinds of dust into the air in subways

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