Sometimes, homeopathic medicine works! to Lemmy – 1142 points –

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Proof for the curious. I'll let the bot relink to piped, I'm lazy.

Oh I love the last line. "An idiot could operate it, and indeed many do."

Bloodlust seeks any acceptable target. Be suspicious of your own instinct for violence. Fascists also think their violence is righteous.

When someone fucks you over in a $500 drug deal, that's the monetary cutoff point where violence is straight up recommended as far as I am concerned.

A. What does that have to do with fascism?

B. Alfred Hitchcock did not say this

A. There is a point where violence is justified.

B. Taking an image out of context and adding your take on it is called a meme.

Hate cannot be tolerated.

There's a broad range of responses between murder and tolerance. Your bloodlust makes you the same as the people you're so horny to mutilate.

Oh, weird, I initially read the comment you're replying to as agreeing with your position. Like: 'we can't allow our side to hate, or casually joke about killing, those who disagree politically with us' But after reading your reply I can see it being meant either of two opposite ways.

You're right. We should be tolerant of hateful, sadistic, bigoted, violent pricks and never stand up for what is right.

What do you mean "nope"? I'm pretty sure bullets stopped the fascists in WW2. Is this a point of contention with you?

Alfred Hitchcock did not say this.

And OP is just fantasizing about fascism as an excuse to fantasize about violence. Tough Mother fucker on the internet.

  1. Stephen Crowder didn't say all those things that memers on the Internet wrote on his sign either

  2. Who says we are fantasizing?

  1. Stephen Crowder can get fucked
  2. Your violent fantasies can also get fucked

I think some people are just looking for an excuse to do things they've been craving for a long time.

Let us not dehumanize the people we disagree with and call for violence. Because at that point we are no different than they are.

Bullshit. Fascism sees violence not as a means to an end, but a goal unto itself. It will be violent regardless. In contrast, even the most bloodthirsty anti-fascist sees violence as a means to an end; something to be left behind as soon as its purpose is complete.

If you want to stop it without violence, it has to be now. Once rooted in, a violent response is the only one that will work. Pretending otherwise will only enable them.