Americans, mostly women, are becoming more liberal: Gallup to politics – 585 points –
Americans, mostly women, are becoming more liberal: Gallup

American political ideology as a whole has shifted left in recent years, but women are becoming even more liberal, according to Gallup.

The survey data, released Wednesday, shows that while the country remains largely center-right, the percentage of those identifying as or leaning liberal has increased over the past three decades, and is now just 1 percent under it’s all-time high.

Roughly 36 percent of adults identify as conservative, 25 percent as liberal and the rest identify as either moderate or unsure, according to the poll.

When broken down by gender ideology, women in the youngest and oldest age groups said they were more likely to identify as liberal.

Women ages 18-29 were 40 percent more likely to be liberal in 2023, a slight decrease from 41 percent in 2022 and 44 percent in 2020, but still higher than the 30 percent in 2013. Those ages 65 and older were 25 percent more likely to identify as liberal — a slight increase from the 21 percent reported in 2013.


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Who woulda thought that taking away women's rights for their own bodies would have blowback?

They're probably just about now realizing they should have taken away the right to vote first, the right to self-determination second. Rookie mistake.

According to the recent Financial Times article, it isn't just the US. This is a global phenomenon so it is more than abortion.

Your rights end where another person's rights begin. An unborn child is a person. And when you have to weigh a trolley problem when the mother's health is in life-threatening risk it's a serious thing that you have to consider. Abortion should be legal for situations where the mother's health is in literal life-threatening risk but even then it's a very serious choice.

Even if we grant you your invalid position, you are still wrong. So close. You claim the unborn person has rights, but so did the mother.

In no legal jurisdiction in the United States is one person ever required to give up their bodily autonomy for another. This the mother, according to your argument, is under no legal obligation to provide the other person, according to your argument, the mothers body for any reason. If the mother wishes to discontinue the use of her body she can. If the other person dies as a result of this decision, the mother bears no responsibility.

This is well understood case law and common law.

GTFO with this terrible argument.

It doesn't matter what the law is. Laws can and should be changed when they're unjust.

You're fundamentally radical and not living on planet Earth that you think this way about pregnancy. It's the product of a degenerate and corrupt life you've lived that has allowed you to justify unjustifiable immorality.

In other words you've burned your conscience to a crisp through your vices.

It's an abominable position you put forward. You are wholly given over to vice and darkness and sin.

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A fetus is not a person its a collection of cells. It's not up to you to weigh any problem. It's up to the woman and their doctor.

A human is not a person it's a collection of cells.

See how ridiculously reductionist that sounds? And it's absolutely up to me because I vote and I live in a society that is a democracy. I will vote on issues that matter to me. And you can do the same. So if you want to support policies that murder inconvenient children, most of which are black by the way which is very racist of you, then that's your choice but I'm not going to support that with my vote or publically in the town square.

It is a scientific fact. Yo're going to vote to see what my daughter's future might be? I think not.

Stating that a collection of cells is not a human being is not a fact.

Human beings are indeed collections of cells.

A human being is a collection of cells with self awareness. People have varr6ing degrees of self awareness as you've displayed

So people who are in comas are no longer human beings?

What about people who are asleep?

What about people who are being put under for surgery?

I think your definition of human being is bad.

Ever hear of Terri Schivo? Brain dead, but peo0le like you decided .... neverind, it's not worth it.

I'm simply making fun of your ridiculous definition of a human being. You're arguing in bad faith so why should I try to argue back in good faith?

I don't care to argue. Fetuses are not people. A heartbeat s not life. You are not the judge of other people's medical needs unless you are a doctor which you are obviously not.

You don't care to argue and then you make statements that invite argument.

Okay I won't argue with you. You're wrong.

There, that's the end of it.

An unborn child is a person.

You realize this is where Democrats fundamentally disagree with you, right?

Not all Democrats, only a minority. And I'm not really a Democrat anyway I'm a Christian socialist.

It's a majority.

Currently, 80% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, up from 72% in 2016 and 63% in 2007.

That depends entirely on you phrase those questions. The pro-life versus pro-choice debate has wildly varying response rates based on how the questions are phrased.

True. Also depends heavily on how far along this hypothetical pregnancy is. But in general, most democrats agree, fetuses are not people, at least not until they can survive outside the womb.

Ah, a Christian. That explains your inane comments.

Christianity is a disease

I’m not normally one to generalize because I’m content to let people do what they want so long as they don’t bother others, but modern Christianity calls its adherents to go out and pester people at best.

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