Taylor Swift Conspiracy Theory Is Embraced by Nearly 1 in 5 Americans, Poll Finds

EinatYahav@lemmy.today to politics @lemmy.world – 262 points –
Taylor Swift Conspiracy Theory Is Embraced by Nearly 1 in 5 Americans, Poll Finds

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So is the conspiracy that she's being coerced? Because she's a billionaire in the land of legal political bribery, so she has the means to tell our politicians what to do far more than the other way around. She's allowed to have and to express a political opinion, just like any other random person.

You ever notice everything and everyone Republicans don't like is a conspiracy against them?

"OW! Stubbed my toe! God damned wall corner is a leftist plot to injure me so I can't vote for the fuhrer!"

Sorry, the soft serve machine is being cleaned right now.

"Did Brandon get to you?! Who sent you to deprive me of soft serve?! Fucking Pelosi?!"

Because she's a billionaire in the land of legal political bribery, so she has the means to tell our politicians what to do far more than the other way around.

Yes, but don't you see? She's a woman, and therefore needs to be told what to do and think by the super smart and totally handsome male politicians. /s

The funniest bit about this Taylor Swift thing if you think about it is that Modern Republicans love the negative attention they get for all of their hateful causes, they literally try to make people outside their in-group hate them for their own amusement. They welcome the rest of America's disgust of them as a badge of honor. It's in their rhetoric, threatening "Give me an excuse to shoot somebody" door signs, and "fuck your feelings" bumper stickers.

They're blowing a microchip over Taylor because hatred is their brand, positive popularity is something they've always shunned and devalued, and now their ENEMIES have most of the popular figures they drove away, leaving them with... well... kid rock.

They want to be hated, and they want to win, at the same time. So it's literally offensive and not fair to them, and anything not fair to them is a "conspiracy," that social popularity is relevant in an election. 😂

Devil's avocado here, but it must be nice to go through life with nothing ever being your own fault. There's always a convenient plot against you, and you'd be a billionaire running a casino on the moon if it weren't for {insert scapegoat here}.

{insert scapegoat here}

Ooh I know this one! Children in poverty getting subsidized school lunches instead of going hungry like they deserve to for being poor!

No no no, you misunderstand, we're just solving the childhood obesity epidemic by not giving children any more food

"we're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon...."

Damn it posting those lyrics should be just as frowned on as goatse. I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for hours!

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Of course it's Pelosi, she can't let anyone else get their grubby paws on her precious ice cream! /s

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