Taylor Swift Conspiracy Theory Is Embraced by Nearly 1 in 5 Americans, Poll Finds

EinatYahav@lemmy.today to politics @lemmy.world – 262 points –
Taylor Swift Conspiracy Theory Is Embraced by Nearly 1 in 5 Americans, Poll Finds

And these are the same people who are questioning Biden's faculties?

Biden's faculties are questionable. Trump's are, as well. I worry that Biden will not be up to the task, but I also think he's our best chance of beating Trump.

We need to beat Trump not because he is forgetful or senile, but because he is a treasonous bigot who would (for the second time) seize as much power and money for himself as he possibly can while selling state secrets to foreign intelligence agencies. He's also a rapist, a liar, a thief, a charletain, a narcissist, and a petulant, violent piece of shit. He cannot be President again. He must go to prison.

Besides the occasional gaffe and speech impediment please tell me what Biden facilities are questionable.

Bindens been a pretty damn good president as far as I can tell. He inherited incredible amounts of disfunction and an economy that was predicted to enter a huge recession and yet he turned the ship around. His speech gaffs are explained by his childhood stutter that he has worked very hard to resolve.

He's 20 years past "retirement" age in a high stress, high responsibility position: it's good to be questioning if he's up to the job. That said Trump's mental and psychical failings are much more concerning and that's totally ignoring the whole racist, fascist thing.

Yeah, but if Biden has to resign, he has Kamala as backup. If Trump becomes president and resigns due to mental issues, God knows what awful human we'll be stuck with.

I’m sure Ivanka would do just fine


Apparently her and Jared want nothing to do with Trump's administration if he wins, they haven't been seen near him since leaving the white House too if I'm recalling correctly.

The Saudis made Jared richer, I wonder what strings that $2 billion had attached to it.

it is good, but all i need to do is watch him do his job to know he is up to it. a thousand people saying "well, maybe he’s not" doesn't change what i see.

bingo. it's just righting propaganda that is disturbingly potent.

He's human like the rest of us and we all degrade over time. I don't gamble but would bet the future of the country that we're still on the "able to be POTUS" side of the curve rather than the "filling my pockets with cottage cheese because my brain is rotting in my skull" stage. Doesn't make him my ideal choice for many reasons not directly related to his age but I'll happily vote for Biden this November.

::: spoiler Additional note because this is the internet and we're allowed to (maybe even supposed to) be pedantic here: Difference between "faculty" and "facility" since the comment you replied to used one and you'd used another. They're similar but not the same. I could also be falling into one of these traps. :::

Yet you still lack an answer to my question. The best you can come up with is "he's old" therefore lacking in some way. You can't be specific because there are no specifics.

Correct, I have not identified the things I see as his flaws since I think they don't interfere with his ability to do the job. Also not the person you'd replied to before.

I think he's showing more signs of dementia than anyone wants to admit, but my greatest concern is his lack of leadership. We need progressive voices making persuasive arguments and shouting down the narcissism and bigotry coming from moderates.

Biden is not that. He's spent more time in politics on the wrong side of history than the right one, and even at his best he has never been one to stand on principle and demand action. If he did wake up one day and decide to start fighting for future generations, he'd be laughably bad at it.

His memory, his wit, his gravitas, his voice, his authority, all of it is tied together, and all of it suffers with every gaffe or lapse.

Still no specifics. What are those signs of dementia?

Forgetfulness, stammering, awkward pauses, mood swings, and if you didn't see all of those in his recent press conference, you should watch it again.

Your imagination...


I tried to find an unedited version of his most recent statement, but for some reason it just shows a podium for 8 and a half minutes. The statement begins at 8:32. Watch that, and then honestly tell me you don't see it.

I've watched all of these live. I dont need YouTube or TikTok. Thanks anyway. You see what you see. I see one pissed of President

That's fine. You asked, though. Seems like talking with you was a waste of time because you see what you want to see. Blind devotion to a candidate is something conservatives do, and we should all aspure to something better than that.

Pot meet kettle

Another play from the conservative handbood. "Everybody deludes themselves, so it's OK when I do it."

You believe I want the best chance to keep Trump from tyranny to be an 80 year old man of questionable health? My greatest hope right now is that Biden remains healthy and lucid throughout the campaign, and delivers a decisive win over Trump. Trump goes to prison for any one of his numerous crimes, and we pick up some progressive congressional seats in the landslide victory.

Is Biden up to that? Can he do it? You think he can, and I have doubts. It's not my job to pretend I don't have doubts and line up behind Biden. It's his job to convince me that he's fit for duty, and he's not batting 1000 on that front. He needs to do better.

i agree. it's why would prefer bernie (also old but i don't care about that) or elizabeth sanders. both of them willing and able to take on "the system" but especially bernie. biden has done much better than id expected, but he’s not bold in term erament and he's no socialist like bernie. that said, he's also not senile and man, i'm tire of people mouthng propaganda about it with no evidence.

Bernie has endorsed Biden. I'd love to vote for Bernie, but he isn't running. Biden is our best option.

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The overarching point needs to shift to which ADMINISTRATION will work toward helping America, instead of destroying democracy.

The President is merely a figurehead.

i've seen on evidence of biden having questionable faculties. has he tripped? yeah. have you ever done that? yeah. he also has a life long speech impediment. that has zip to do with how sharp his mind is. i go by actions and he's gotten more done for more people than possibly any president in my lifetime. he responds to current events quickly and on point (tho i don't agree with him on everything, but so what?) alll ive heard to support otherwise is just that, people saying it. and i first saw it in right wing propaganda.

our best chance of beating Trump.

Our best chance? Best by which standard?

by the standard of who's actually running. there are for sure better folks but they aren't running.

It's much worse than that. Trump can't be president again because he will quite possibly be the last president thr US will ever have, at least until he dies of cheeseburger overdose.

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Exact same people who stormed the Capitol

if you watch at video, a lady who went to prison for that is the only one he interviewed who woke up to how dumb it was.

yes. because that's part of the same propaganda. in for a penny, in for a pound.

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So is the conspiracy that she's being coerced? Because she's a billionaire in the land of legal political bribery, so she has the means to tell our politicians what to do far more than the other way around. She's allowed to have and to express a political opinion, just like any other random person.

You ever notice everything and everyone Republicans don't like is a conspiracy against them?

"OW! Stubbed my toe! God damned wall corner is a leftist plot to injure me so I can't vote for the fuhrer!"

Sorry, the soft serve machine is being cleaned right now.

"Did Brandon get to you?! Who sent you to deprive me of soft serve?! Fucking Pelosi?!"

Because she's a billionaire in the land of legal political bribery, so she has the means to tell our politicians what to do far more than the other way around.

Yes, but don't you see? She's a woman, and therefore needs to be told what to do and think by the super smart and totally handsome male politicians. /s

The funniest bit about this Taylor Swift thing if you think about it is that Modern Republicans love the negative attention they get for all of their hateful causes, they literally try to make people outside their in-group hate them for their own amusement. They welcome the rest of America's disgust of them as a badge of honor. It's in their rhetoric, threatening "Give me an excuse to shoot somebody" door signs, and "fuck your feelings" bumper stickers.

They're blowing a microchip over Taylor because hatred is their brand, positive popularity is something they've always shunned and devalued, and now their ENEMIES have most of the popular figures they drove away, leaving them with... well... kid rock.

They want to be hated, and they want to win, at the same time. So it's literally offensive and not fair to them, and anything not fair to them is a "conspiracy," that social popularity is relevant in an election. 😂

Devil's avocado here, but it must be nice to go through life with nothing ever being your own fault. There's always a convenient plot against you, and you'd be a billionaire running a casino on the moon if it weren't for {insert scapegoat here}.

{insert scapegoat here}

Ooh I know this one! Children in poverty getting subsidized school lunches instead of going hungry like they deserve to for being poor!

No no no, you misunderstand, we're just solving the childhood obesity epidemic by not giving children any more food

"we're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon...."

Damn it posting those lyrics should be just as frowned on as goatse. I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for hours!

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Of course it's Pelosi, she can't let anyone else get their grubby paws on her precious ice cream! /s

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This just in: one in five americans are stupid.

We all lived through COVID, so we should already know this.

Death cults are one of the few problems that tend to solve themselves

yes but not only for those who are part of them. and there's no timeline either.

It’s much higher than that. This is the side effect of giving idiots access to social media as a platform to spread their stupidity.

Eighteen percent believe there is “a covert government effort” for the pop icon to help President Biden win re-election, according to a Monmouth University survey.

Why would they need a covert operation? It's already well known she's favors the Democrats and hates Trump. Why the need for a conspiracy layer to it? I'm sure the Biden team would be thrilled if she endorsed him, but that's not "a covert government effort". It's so stupid.

Anything to make it sound nefarious, because to Republican voters, everyone is as dishonest, tribal, and ammoral as they are.

This is all Fox "News" and other conservative outlets do all day every day, take the news and add sinister innuendo to it. If Biden were doing a state visit to the UK, Fox would almost certainly say "Biden flees overseas to avoid American's scrutiny of his administration's failures" or the like. If he had that state visit planned but canceled it due to some urgent matter, the headline would be "Biden cancels state visit. Health concerns? What's he hiding?"

Republicans basically spin any positive or neutral information about their many enemies, everyone outside their in-group, as an attack on them. Republicans have no empathy, so of course the sun moon and stars all revolve around them in their view.

They think they are the real ones and that any opposition is hate. Rather than, ya know, feeling sorry for them.

Yeah but the needed to covertly rig football games to make Taylor Swift popular. Because nobody heard of Taylor Swift before a few months ago, right?

Written another way: "At least 1 in 5 Americans are exposed to unreasonable amounts of dangerous and persuasive propaganda."

I prefer:

“At least 1 in 5 Americans have a critical thinking deficiency.”

I'm Canadian, and every time I hear a stat like this I think of the following quote:

"Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt." -Pierre Trudeau to Richard Nixon

It's time to chlorinate the gene pool.

I wish we could find the gene for critical thinking and apply a little gene therapy to every fetus. Imagine Cletus and Sally Bobbi Anne having a toddler who questions bible stories and plays along with the Santa thing because they are so excited when he pretends to buy into their bullshit.

a good education and ripping away church tax breaks would go a long way. and jailing megapreacher con men just like any other con men.

There's some people who are highly suggestible. Like to the point it's arguably a disability.

There was an interview with Trump supporters that captured one that other day that's worth a look to understand what's going on:


You can watch as the person interviewing him about falling for scams over and over jokingly tells him to walk off in a given direction - and then the dude just starts to, until he realizes his car is in the other direction.

I think that's kind of misleading.

It looks to me more like he is just looking in that direction (even if he does take a step or two). He was more asking/saying, well why should I go that way when my car is this way. Not, oh shit, my car is actually this way.

If you watch the entire interview with him, I don't think it's at all misleading to portray him as highly suggestible.

The dude falls over himself agreeing with whichever way the wind blows in an interview about how he keeps being taken advantage of by scams.

In that broader context, him shuffling off several steps in the direction some guy jokingly told him to head off in really shouldn't be discounted with a parenthetical.

Well, of course it's real. The 49ers are from one of the most liberal areas in the US. So, yeah they were fine with taking a loss if it means Biden's pawn can help his agenda. /s

Im reading this as: Nearly 1 in 5 people will reliably vote for Trump

Good: Trump only has 1/5 of people fooled and there is hope

Bad: 1/5 peoples live would be improved by lobotomy

Im reading this as: Nearly 1 in 5 people will reliably vote for Trump

You're discounting the number of RFK Jr voters and Sovereign Citizen "Voting is just a trick to get you to create joinder" folks in this mix. Also, the guaranteed number of chucklefuck respondents who reply "Yes, and that's good actually".

Good: Trump only has 1/5 of people fooled and there is hope

Plenty of Trump support has nothing to do with QAnon-tier witch hunts. I've got Trump neighbors who are entirely in it because they think he'll be good for the Houston O&G economy. Its the "Climate Change is a hoax and only Trump will protect our jobs" folks plus the "Illegal Immigrants are going to rape my daughter and hot box my son with the dankest Chinese fentanyl" folks who are the backbone of the campaign.

The "Taylor Swift is a 12-Dimensional Psychic Parasite Channeling the Spirit Ghost of Joseph Stalin" crowd are merely the most exotic and lurid supporters.

Was Texas always this bad?

YMMV. There's definitely parts of the state that haven't been driving insane by drive-time talk radio and Baptist ministers screaming for the blood of migrant day laborers. But we're also talking about a place that churned out D. C. Stephenson, Bruce Alger, and Rick Perry. The ratfuckery runs deep and isn't particularly new.

I'll just say that Texas is a land of contrasts.

It’s not a conspiracy, she won the super bowl fair and square—we all saw it

What is the conspiracy exactly? The link has a pay wall for me.

Keeping those details vague is intentional. The purveyors of such conspiracy theories know that the worst thing they can ever do is make a clear falsifiable statement.

They thought she was going to endorse Biden at the end of the Super Bowl and that the White House had rigged the game for the Chiefs to win in order to maximize the spectacle and coverage.

I mean... She endorsed him last time around so I don't know why it should be a secret for anyone really. But even then, I can't see why anyone would change their vote, duento a singer or idol

She is a self proclaimed democrat. For her to announce support for Biden is like announcing that tomorrow is Friday. We already fucking know, dude.

Something to do with rigging football games to make Taylor swift popular (because she wasn't popular already, I guess?) so she could endorse Biden so he can get re-elected.

But I'm kinda more interested in the one where she's a vampire.

The flaw in your reasoning is that you're using Google. Stupid people don't research things, so of course you're not going to find anything.

Lizardman's constant is 4%

Public Policy Polling’s recent poll on conspiracy theories mostly showed up on my Facebook feed as “Four percent of Americans believe lizardmen are running the Earth”.

(of note, an additional 7% of Americans are “not sure” whether lizardmen are running the Earth or not.)

I think the results here can be explained by Lizardman's constant and an additional few respondents who interpreted the question to mean "Do you support Trump?" and then gave the answer that corresponded to supporting Trump.

This fits in with my theory that a minimum of 20% of the population is a waste of space.

20% of the country is deliberately misled and probably suffering from things like lead poisoning.

1% of the country is the reason for that.

My local organic food and supplement store sells Cordycep supplements. Articles like this make me want to start taking fungus supplements in the hopes that I might become patient zero.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Instructions unclear. I've now climbed to the top of a large grass species and am waiting to be picked off by a predatory bird.


a large grass species

Maybe you climb Dendrocalmus sinicus, aka Dragon bamboo. A grass species that grows over 150 feet (46m).

Just trying to work out who can come and eat you. Haast's Eagle would have been a great choice but it's extinct.

So, 20% of this nation is absolute proof that the Republicans’ plan to destroy the public education system is working.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The Super Bowl may be over, but right-wing conspiracy theories about Taylor Swift and the 2024 presidential election are still raging.

Swift, the global pop icon, to help President Biden win re-election, according to a poll released Wednesday by Monmouth University.

Swift to help Mr. Biden were Republicans, and 83 percent of those who embraced the baseless theory said they were likely to vote for former President Donald J. Trump in November.

There was overlap with 2020 election denial: 73 percent of respondents who subscribed to the Swift conspiracy theory also said they believed the lie, perpetuated by Mr. Trump and others, that the last presidential contest was fraudulent.

Swift and Mr. Biden prompted a wave of anger and wild speculation among online conservatives in the run-up to the Super Bowl on Sunday, which Ms.

Swift attended as a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs, the team that employs her boyfriend, the tight end Travis Kelce.

The original article contains 266 words, the summary contains 156 words. Saved 41%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Even 1/3 of the ususal 30% dumbass population doesn't believe this

Keep in mind we are talking about the most extreme Americans here.

If i had been asked, i would also agree it was a conspiracy. I dont believe it, but its a funny thought.