Taylor Swift Conspiracy Theory Is Embraced by Nearly 1 in 5 Americans, Poll Finds

EinatYahav@lemmy.today to politics @lemmy.world – 262 points –
Taylor Swift Conspiracy Theory Is Embraced by Nearly 1 in 5 Americans, Poll Finds

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Biden's faculties are questionable. Trump's are, as well. I worry that Biden will not be up to the task, but I also think he's our best chance of beating Trump.

We need to beat Trump not because he is forgetful or senile, but because he is a treasonous bigot who would (for the second time) seize as much power and money for himself as he possibly can while selling state secrets to foreign intelligence agencies. He's also a rapist, a liar, a thief, a charletain, a narcissist, and a petulant, violent piece of shit. He cannot be President again. He must go to prison.

Besides the occasional gaffe and speech impediment please tell me what Biden facilities are questionable.

Bindens been a pretty damn good president as far as I can tell. He inherited incredible amounts of disfunction and an economy that was predicted to enter a huge recession and yet he turned the ship around. His speech gaffs are explained by his childhood stutter that he has worked very hard to resolve.

He's 20 years past "retirement" age in a high stress, high responsibility position: it's good to be questioning if he's up to the job. That said Trump's mental and psychical failings are much more concerning and that's totally ignoring the whole racist, fascist thing.

Yeah, but if Biden has to resign, he has Kamala as backup. If Trump becomes president and resigns due to mental issues, God knows what awful human we'll be stuck with.

I’m sure Ivanka would do just fine


Apparently her and Jared want nothing to do with Trump's administration if he wins, they haven't been seen near him since leaving the white House too if I'm recalling correctly.

The Saudis made Jared richer, I wonder what strings that $2 billion had attached to it.

it is good, but all i need to do is watch him do his job to know he is up to it. a thousand people saying "well, maybe he’s not" doesn't change what i see.

bingo. it's just righting propaganda that is disturbingly potent.

He's human like the rest of us and we all degrade over time. I don't gamble but would bet the future of the country that we're still on the "able to be POTUS" side of the curve rather than the "filling my pockets with cottage cheese because my brain is rotting in my skull" stage. Doesn't make him my ideal choice for many reasons not directly related to his age but I'll happily vote for Biden this November.

::: spoiler Additional note because this is the internet and we're allowed to (maybe even supposed to) be pedantic here: Difference between "faculty" and "facility" since the comment you replied to used one and you'd used another. They're similar but not the same. I could also be falling into one of these traps. :::

Yet you still lack an answer to my question. The best you can come up with is "he's old" therefore lacking in some way. You can't be specific because there are no specifics.

Correct, I have not identified the things I see as his flaws since I think they don't interfere with his ability to do the job. Also not the person you'd replied to before.

I think he's showing more signs of dementia than anyone wants to admit, but my greatest concern is his lack of leadership. We need progressive voices making persuasive arguments and shouting down the narcissism and bigotry coming from moderates.

Biden is not that. He's spent more time in politics on the wrong side of history than the right one, and even at his best he has never been one to stand on principle and demand action. If he did wake up one day and decide to start fighting for future generations, he'd be laughably bad at it.

His memory, his wit, his gravitas, his voice, his authority, all of it is tied together, and all of it suffers with every gaffe or lapse.

Still no specifics. What are those signs of dementia?

Forgetfulness, stammering, awkward pauses, mood swings, and if you didn't see all of those in his recent press conference, you should watch it again.

Your imagination...


I tried to find an unedited version of his most recent statement, but for some reason it just shows a podium for 8 and a half minutes. The statement begins at 8:32. Watch that, and then honestly tell me you don't see it.

I've watched all of these live. I dont need YouTube or TikTok. Thanks anyway. You see what you see. I see one pissed of President

That's fine. You asked, though. Seems like talking with you was a waste of time because you see what you want to see. Blind devotion to a candidate is something conservatives do, and we should all aspure to something better than that.

Pot meet kettle

Another play from the conservative handbood. "Everybody deludes themselves, so it's OK when I do it."

You believe I want the best chance to keep Trump from tyranny to be an 80 year old man of questionable health? My greatest hope right now is that Biden remains healthy and lucid throughout the campaign, and delivers a decisive win over Trump. Trump goes to prison for any one of his numerous crimes, and we pick up some progressive congressional seats in the landslide victory.

Is Biden up to that? Can he do it? You think he can, and I have doubts. It's not my job to pretend I don't have doubts and line up behind Biden. It's his job to convince me that he's fit for duty, and he's not batting 1000 on that front. He needs to do better.

i agree. it's why would prefer bernie (also old but i don't care about that) or elizabeth sanders. both of them willing and able to take on "the system" but especially bernie. biden has done much better than id expected, but he’s not bold in term erament and he's no socialist like bernie. that said, he's also not senile and man, i'm tire of people mouthng propaganda about it with no evidence.

Bernie has endorsed Biden. I'd love to vote for Bernie, but he isn't running. Biden is our best option.

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The overarching point needs to shift to which ADMINISTRATION will work toward helping America, instead of destroying democracy.

The President is merely a figurehead.

i've seen on evidence of biden having questionable faculties. has he tripped? yeah. have you ever done that? yeah. he also has a life long speech impediment. that has zip to do with how sharp his mind is. i go by actions and he's gotten more done for more people than possibly any president in my lifetime. he responds to current events quickly and on point (tho i don't agree with him on everything, but so what?) alll ive heard to support otherwise is just that, people saying it. and i first saw it in right wing propaganda.

our best chance of beating Trump.

Our best chance? Best by which standard?

by the standard of who's actually running. there are for sure better folks but they aren't running.

It's much worse than that. Trump can't be president again because he will quite possibly be the last president thr US will ever have, at least until he dies of cheeseburger overdose.

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