'Gun-loving' GOP governor reportedly seen 'running scared for his life' from mass shooting

some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org to News@lemmy.world – 898 points –
'Gun-loving' GOP governor reportedly seen 'running scared for his life' from mass shooting

Run, you fucking piece of shit. Go go go gogogogogogog!

My niece told her grandmother about her fear of getting murdered at school. Feel that fear, asshole.


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I carry to protect me and mine.

You and yours can make the decision to carry or not. I’m not going to go out of my way to save anyone but my own kin. The police have no legal requirement to save you and they have legal protection from liability if they shoot something they should not. A conceal and carry holder has none of that.

So your solution to the issue of mass shootings is that everyone should carry a gun on them at all times, and everyone should be ready to kill if necessary? And you don’t see the issue with that?

I’m not saying you specifically should not carry or be ready to defend yourself, and I would be a fool to pretend that you shouldn’t be willing and able to defend yourself, especially with how things are now. But do you really want to live in a world where every citizen has to be ready and willing to kill his fellow man at the drop of a hat when things go to shit? Do you want your kids, grandkids, etc. to live in a world like that?

The point isn’t that you shouldn’t be able to defend yourself. The point is that the fact that you need to is fucked up, and we shouldn’t accept it as the status quo.

My solution is to treat the cause. Mental Health and crime are certainly the two leading causes of mass shootings.

A living wage, universal healthcare services, and a fair regulated economy Are solutions to the cause of the problem.

I am not a liberal, I am a leftist. I think we have moved far too much to the right in this country which is why we have many of these problems in the first place.

This ain't a movie, hero.

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So you don't give a fuck if anyone lives except your "kin" and we're supposed to feel safe with people like you walking around armed?

You are free to ensure your own safety. If you choose to depend upon others that is certainly your decision to make.

Statistically conceal and carry holders are the safest segment of society. I would much rather be in a room full of registered conceal, and carry holders than police, or any other segment of society.

That's a lie. Save that NRA apologist bullshit for the firing range.

I apologize for nothing. I merely assert my rights.

If your "rights" endanger others, then those rights should be voided.

Which every healthy democracy has done so far.

My right to own a gun does not endanger you anymore than my right to free speech. I value both equally.

Damn, you must live in a shithole if you need a gun in order to feel safe in your own country and home.

It sounds like you are privileged to live in an area bereft of all violence. Those of us who are not as privileged as you are still want to defend ourselves.

That's cute from a casual. I love the light anarchy manifesto.

Now that I don't carry an automatic weapon for part of my work, I see no reason to be part of the problem and I'm happy to leave it to the pros. But dunning-kruger is a hell of a thing.

Dunning Kruger is the cry of the retards can't conceive a decent argument and are too chicken to just say "'retard"

Feel free to trust your personal safety and the safety of your family to a “pro”. When seconds count the police are just 20 minutes away.

Lol, username should be brain dead or unalive cuz not much is happening up there.

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