Biden considering executive action to close southern border, sources say

queermunist she/ to – 148 points –
Biden considering executive action to close southern border, sources say | CNN Politics

And you all told me the blue maga border bill that Republicans rejected was 4d chess.


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You will ONLY get votes for Biden stepping to the left.

This is fucking delusional. Democrats are not all further to the left than Biden - you'll never get conservative votes, but you can sure as shit lose moderate Democrats. And the only leftists not voting Dem at this point, with 'Day-One Dictator' running, are people who run fucking purity tests and won't be satisfied until Biden is waving a red flag. Which, while amusing, is not a realistic way to win an election in the current US.

Listen, I will be voting for Biden, who is clearly worlds better than Trump. But the idea that Palestinian Americans who won't vote for someone funding the ethnic cleansing of their own family members are "purity test" losers is...well, its a take.

Yeah, no, if the opinion is that "This decades-long US policy of supporting a foreign country isn't ending now, therefore, everyone in the US and in Palestine can get fucked, including me and all of my family members", that's not an opinion worth taking seriously.

You can say it's an understandable emotional reaction, but it sure as shit isn't a reasonable one.

What's unreasonable is acting like not supporting the active genocide of your own people is unreasonable.

Especially since you're conflating genocide with apartheid.

I have friends that have lost the ENTIRETY of their extended families, you sick fuck.

Mother, father, sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles all murdered in a single fucking night.

I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't be capable of looking them in the eye and saying the same thing. Or, at least, not if you had any human decency.

Edit: changed lost to murdered because they didn't just mysteriously die.

I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t be capable of looking them in the eye and saying the same thing.

What, looking them in the eye and saying "Voting for millions of minorities in America to be oppressed and killed isn't going to save anyone, but it sure as shit will kill and oppress millions of minorities"?

Sorry that I feel that "MORE people need to suffer" is not a reasonable reaction to suffering?

Fuck you genocide apologist. You've made it clear you're willing to sacrifice anyone for your own safety.

Which, come to think of it, is an extremely right wing fascist viewpoint.

What is your problem with Trump again? You don't have a problem with genocide.

Fuck you genocide apologist. You’ve made it clear you’re willing to sacrifice anyone for your own safety.

As opposed to be willing to sacrifice everyone else out of... what, spite?

Which, come to think of it, is an extremely right wing fascist viewpoint.

Fascists don't go to war because they're scared, though they often are scared as well. Fascists go to war because human suffering is their highest goal.

You wanna explain to me what oppressing millions of minorities achieves, other than human suffering?

You want to explain to me what your are not willing to sacrifice in the 'name' of democracy?

You're okay with genocide.

You're okay with separating kids from their families and throwing them in cages.

Seriously, what is it about Trump that you're not willing to support?

"Why do you not want the worse candidate?"

Huh. I'm not really sure. I guess it must be because they're fucking worse on every issue.

I'm not okay with genocide or 'secure border' insanity. But I also recognize that cutting the brakes and saying 'all aboard the fascism express' is not a fucking improvement.

You want to explain to me what your are not willing to sacrifice in the ‘name’ of democracy?

Please, tell me about your totally-not-fascist alternative to democracy. I'd love to hear it.

Jesus you're dumb (pun intended fully, though adding or leaving the comma was a tough decision.) And I say that, not because we disagree, but because of your complete misreading of that last bit you quote.

Democracy is a political system. Same as fascism (not that they are equal, but they are both political systems.) The reason the former is supposedly better, when paired with minority rights, is that it doesn't lead to things like genocide.

You're willing to throw away minority rights, and embrace genocide as an acceptable option for the facade of democracy that you love.

What you are supporting is not democracy. And you don't love democracy, because you're willing to throw the bits that separate democracy from mob rule out, to save the trappings of democracy. And you're willing to tolerate genocide, the bad thing that supposedly fascism leads to and democracy doesn't, to support, again, the trappings of democracy.

Secondly, I think that you are arguing in bad faith. I think you don't actually believe Trump will end in fascism (though, I actually somewhat do).

Tell me, have you started purchasing weapons? Stockpiling food, water, medical supplies, and ammo? If not, why not? Resistance is the proper response to fascism, no? Lest something like, oh I don't know, a genocide happens?

And this is all during a time where we're not actually locked into Biden as a candidate. You're all in for supporting Biden though he is actively participating in a genocide, and justifying it with 'Trump's worse!' when we are in the time period where we could choose someone else!

It's almost like you are arguing in bad faith and trying to prevent anyone else but Biden.

The reason the former is supposedly better, when paired with minority rights, is that it doesn’t lead to things like genocide.

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of democracy.

Secondly, I think that you are arguing in bad faith. I think you don’t actually believe Trump will end in fascism (though, I actually somewhat do).

I absolutely think a second Trump administration is more likely than not to end American democracy and usher in an age of fascism, possibly worldwide.

Tell me, have you started purchasing weapons? Stockpiling food, water, medical supplies, and ammo? If not, why not? Resistance is the proper response to fascism, no? Lest something like, oh I don’t know, a genocide happens?

My guy, if fascism comes to America, I'm a mentally ill near-sighted cripple living significantly below the poverty line with an irregular income with few practical skills. If fascism comes to America, my options are pretty limited to "hide messages in my cane for la resistance" and "off myself".

And separately, prepper delusions aren't going to be much help.

And this is all during a time where we’re not actually locked into Biden as a candidate.

I don't know how to address this level of delusion without going over a hundred years of American political history, which I suspect would be lost on you.

I don’t know how to address this level of delusion without going over a hundred years of American political history, which I suspect would be lost on you.

I love how you parade your ignorance. The Democratic candidate absolutely can be decided at the convention. All it would require is the current president engaging in an extremely unpopular genocide that IS going to cost him the election step down. You know, if he actually wanted to protect the country from Trump

My guy, if fascism comes to America, I’m a mentally ill near-sighted cripple living significantly below the poverty line with an irregular income with few practical skills.

So.... Just to be clear with your previous arguments about being perfectly okay with sacrificing people, you'd actually vote for a Democratic candidate that was better than Trump in all ways, except he advocated for euthanizing, in your words, cripples?

You expect Palestinians to vote for the man providing the weapons that are being used to kill their entire families. You'd make the same sacrifice you expect of others?

And separately, prepper delusions aren’t going to be much help.

Tell that to the Italians. You keep using the word Fascism, without thinking through the ramifications of that word. It's not a prepper fantasy to say that if you believe the end of democracy is nigh, and fascism is coming, that you should start stockpiling weapons to try to prevent the concentration camps. Something you also don't seem to have a problem with, as long as they're not in America.

The reason the former is supposedly better, when paired with minority rights, is that it doesn’t lead to things like genocide.

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of democracy.

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the last 200 years of political theory.

So… Just to be clear with your previous arguments about being perfectly okay with sacrificing people, you’d actually vote for a Democratic candidate that was better than Trump in all ways, except he advocated for euthanizing, in your words, cripples?

Yes, absolutely. Fuck, man, that's not even that far off. The US health care system as is is going to end me before long, and Biden isn't going to do a damn thing about it. I still don't want anyone else to be fucked who can be saved from being fucked.

Also, in this example, Trump should be advocating the torture and euthanization of cripples. Because Trump's track record and rhetoric are both considerably worse on the issue of Palestine and Israel.

If asked to choose between "More evil" and "Less", pick less. If asked to choose between having your entire family killed and having your brother killed, pick your brother. No one is saved by picking the greater evil. It's not a moral choice. It's not helpful. It's just a tantrum.

All of your other points are just rehashing the same arguments made before.

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This frames voting for Biden as a white man's burden to save Palestinians from their own emotions. Surely you see a problem here?

This frames voting for Biden as a white man’s burden to save Palestinians from their own emotions. Surely you see a problem here?

Holy fuck, this is the stupidest and worst fucking take outside of pure genocide cheerleading I've ever fucking seen for justifying a fucking genocide.

This genocide could be stopped tomorrow if the US stopped providing weapons and money for the genocide.

This isn't some stupid fucking "White mans burden" (I have trouble writing that out because of how despicably idiotic it is) bullshit. If we stopped giving one side the bombs, they would stop falling on the fucking Palestinians. We are directly responsible for the murder of their family members, and you're arguing that they need to vote for the single individual that could stop the murder with one phone call.

You want Palestinians in the US to continue paying for and supplying the bombs, shells, and bullets being used to kill their family members. And you're justifying it with language that is supposed to be used for arguing for justice. Yay for intersectionality!

You know those memes of a bomber decked out in rainbow flags as it drops bombs on some 'enemy' of America? That's you. You're using the language of progressivism to justify murder. Good job.

... I think I misread your comment. Okay let me make myself perfectly clear about what I meant:

There's this idea that we have to vote for Biden to stop fascism (lol) and so everyone needs to follow the party line this election. There's a corollary that has popped up which says it's understandable for Palestinian-Americans and Arab-Americans more broadly to not vote for Biden, because they're too emotional to make the smart decision and that's understandable. This, in turn, creates a white man's burden - we must vote for Biden to make up for the votes he's losing from the overly emotional victims of this conflict.

And I somehow read you as saying this, and I think I confused you with that cracker PugJesus. I'm really sorry, it's absolutely clear that's not what you meant and I can't imagine how I misread you so badly!

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I'm sorry if not supporting genocide is a purity test. Ohh, fuck workers rights too. And let's add on the endless wars/drone strikes that Democrats like also.

Enjoy having no standards and morals.

I am starting to think this is Chuck Schumers secret account with this dumb ass, proven wrong "for every liberal vote we lose, we'll gain two suburban moms" math.

It's amazing to me that you're more angry with the people who can't vote for an ongoing genocide, then you are for the fucked up undemocratic private process of the Democratic party that is forcing someone unpopular enough to lose without the left because of the genocide.

Also, you know when lgbt people say that they won't accept rights by abandoning their trans brothers and sisters? You're the blue MAGA fuck they're talking about.

Preserving a democracy that sacrifices people or commits genocide is not really preserving a democracy, it's preserving mob rule without protection for minorities.

You're in love with a process that doesn't exist anymore.

Biden has lost Michigan at this point. Biden is putting Democratic strongholds at risk with these policy decisions.

We need a new candidate and we need them now. Biden will not win like this, and no amount of water carrying on your part can change that.

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