Reddit literally shilling their own stonks to users in direct message, reveals that CEO gets paid $193 million last year to Mildly – 886 points –

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He wasn't paid that amount. He got 341,000 in cash and the rest was in stocks and options (which will only be worth that much if the company performs well financially). This us place is just like Reddit, nobody ever reads the article.

It doesn't really need to perform well financially. He can sell everything as soon as it goes public and retire

But they never do that. Musk could have been supping margaritas on a man made island with oompa loompas in a private ocean a long time ago

He will still be in control of that wealth. It really shouldn't be treated different from salary compensation

This place is also just like reddit in that comments like yours seeking to seem smarter than everyone else by pointing out technicalities in the article as evidence everyone has the wrong idea, without appreciating the full context, and deliberately ignoring the overall point.

Executives paid in stocks and options are completely normal, and those stock options have a value. Moreover, those things were not given to other employees nearly as much as they were given to the CEO.

The actual dollar amount he receives from Reddit is not what matters. What matters is the amount of compensation given to him in comparison to everyone else at Reddit and to other CEOs at other companies, especially when taking his performance into account.

The point is Reddit is effectively giving way too much of its value to one person who has done little to actually make it profitable in all the time he's been there while routinely making mistakes and allowing scandals that have hurt Reddit's reputation.

The context is important since it informs us about why he's doing this, which is probably to further inflate his stock value

But also Tim Cook's total compensation for 2022 was $99 million and Satya Nadella's 2023 was $48 million. Paying him more than CEOs of actually profitable companies and what amounts to nearly 1/4 of revenue is a pretty big outlier.

Steve Jobs was wealthy despite having a salary of $1 per year.

Arw you suggesting that reddit shares are going to be worth a lot of money? I see a an 18 year old company that still can't turn a profit, so I don't exactly see how the IPO can be a success.

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