Netanyahu’s plan for Gaza: Israeli security control and Palestinian disarmament - International Monitor to – 68 points –
Netanyahu’s plan for Gaza: Israeli security control and Palestinian disarmament - International Monitor

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This is a land grab. The first Israeli settlement in Gaza will prove it. My guess is that will happen sometime late this year, perhaps close to the US elections.

Always has been, ever since the UN partitioned Palestine without input from the Palestinians:

Zionist leaders, in particular David Ben-Gurion, viewed the acceptance of the plan as a tactical step and a stepping stone to future territorial expansion over all of Palestine.

Gaza gave up its land when it let terrorists turn it into Swiss cheese.

You mean when they "let" Israels terrorist regime bomb their entire infrastructure to ruins?

Especially when they "let" Israel block any building material from entering Gaza so they couldn't even build their infrastrucure back up or, you know, have jobs. Or infrastructure.

Any building material? Huh weird how it had all those schools and hospitals and apartments I keep reading about. Or, you know, they just couldn't bring in materials that could also be used for bombmaking or underground home living, or else, you know, the material would get used build hundreds of miles of tunnels to smuggle fighters and weapons for the sole purpose of, you know, killing Jews.

That's the jobs program with Hamas in charge: pay pensions to the families of Martyrs™ or anyone that kills a Jew. Hamas was always terrorists, never a government, why would anyone send it the materials it needs to be terrorists? Maybe, you know, put someone else in charge that isn't going to so gravely miscalculate its strength and capability as to get everyone killed. Maybe Hamas could, you know, see that they are beaten and surrender, face the consequences under the law?

Israel is starving the population and you are a mouth piece keeping the blame off of their backs.

People like you have no regards for the starving thousands, all just to support a non democratic ethnostate practicing apartheid in their own laws and courts. Of course let's not forget that you have no proof they are democratic. Maybe some idiot told you 30 years ago and you never ask questions.

Oh yeah why was Israel bombing, and what were they shooting at?

Hey check this out!

Looks like Israel is an apartheid state after all...

The accusation that Israel is committing apartheid has been supported by United Nations investigators,[11] the African National Congress (ANC),[12] several human rights groups,[13][14] and many prominent Israeli political and cultural figures.[15][16] Those who support the accusations hold that certain laws explicitly or implicitly discriminate on the basis of creed or race, in effect privileging Jewish citizens and disadvantaging non-Jewish, and particularly Arab, citizens.[17] These include the Law of Return, the 2003 Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, and many laws regarding security, land and planning, citizenship, political representation in the Knesset (legislature), education and culture. The Nation-State Law, enacted in 2018, was widely condemned in both Israel and internationally as discriminatory,[18] and has also been called an "apartheid law" by members of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), opposition MPs, and other Arab and Jewish Israelis.[19][20] Israel and a number of Western governments and scholars, on the other hand, have rejected the charges or objected to the use of the word apartheid.[21][22] Some argue that the situation is not comparable to apartheid in South Africa, that Israel's policies are primarily driven by security considerations,[23][24] and that the accusation is factually and morally inaccurate and intended to delegitimize Israel.[25][26][27]

Except that's not what happened at all lol

What? They dug 450 miles of tunnels in an area only 25 miles wide. 5,000 shafts. Tunnels in all three cities extending under the highest density housing in the area, under colleges, under hospitals, and literally connecting them together so as to move terrorists and weapons around. Did they not realize the massive construction going on under their feet when they decided to not have elections any more and let actual terrorists be in charge?

What did they think would happen when they used those tunnels for decades to launch indiscriminate rocket attacks and suicide bombings before October 7, when they gathered up thousands of fighters and crossed the border to do a bunch of mass shootings of civilians and first responders? That's not very neighborly.

Even once the bombs stop and every member of Hamas is dead or in prison, there is now no chance that it will be its own state. Unless Hamas surrendered and accepts their sentences under the law, it will be at least four or five years of martial law while Israel rebuilds the housing and infrastructure. And let me break the news to you now and you'll be able to look back and remember this moment when you realize that not only will Israel do so with broad international support, nobody is going to miss Hamas. And that was my original point: it's the decisions Hamas made that caused Gaza to become, at best, a failed state that does not and will not for the foreseeable future have the capacity to rebuild or govern. Irredentism is now literally the only option the international community will accept.

Broad international support???? Where???

Ok but was the "they" the Palestinians or just some members of a terrorist group? Should we assume they are all the same as you do? Or should we look at reality?

And you gave up your common sense to bootlick Israel for some reason

By your own logic and admission, Israel is not a democracy.

Why are you posting irrelevant links and stalking me on this website? Israel is a democracy and saying it isn't is indistinguishable from flat earthers.

But the evidence says otherwise... it is regarded as an apartheid state by political scientists. Why do you refuse to admit the truth? Did you even read the link or did you lie when you said you change your mind based on evidence?

This is what you sound like right now:

But the evidence says the earth is flat... It is regarded as flat by people who say it's flat. Why do you refuse to admit the truth if its flatness? Did you even blah blah blah....

You understand South African Apartheid was a system of minority rule?

When it's like Israel, a system of majority rule, we call it democracy.

Do you not understand that, or appreciate what that means? When the minority enacts positive law upon an unconsenting majority it is a violation of human rights. When the majority enacts positive law with popular consent--and not by the whim of some caliphate or immamate or monarch--its the peak of human achievement.

That double standard you're applying is why so many people consider it anti semitic to call Israel is an apartheid state.

I think that if you click through and read the primary sources from Wikipedia, or if you do even a modicum of a review of the scholarly work on this, you will find that usually people making this argument are saying that Israel has some discriminatory laws which are like Apartheid. Obviously, some people (you) go further and say Israel is literally an apartheid state. And some people also say the earth is flat.

E: Bold part is exactly what happens below....

Oh yeah, what about this then?

Howard Friel writes that Tutu "views the conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories as resembling apartheid in South Africa." BBC News reported in 2012 that Tutu "accused Israel of practicing apartheid in its policies towards Palestinians."[325]

Or this?

I think what I will do is quote bits of it for you every day until you realize.

I think the most pathetic part is that those are opinions of experts on this and they seem to overwhemlingly believe Israel is an apartheid state. But you keep comparig it to a group of idiot flat earthers. Making that connection in your head is probably to protect from shame/guilt.

Whenever it's Israel, your brain seems to shut off.

By your logic, is south Africa being anti semitic?

Yes they are. It's rote hypocrisy.

I think you don't recognize what sort of things are facts and what sort of things are opinions.

How far did you go in school?

Read the dude's quote that you quoted.

It "resembles apartheid."

It's not apartheid though.

Howard Friel writes that Tutu "views the conditions in the occupied Palestinian territories as resembling apartheid in South Africa."

So when South Africa says Israel is an apartheid state, they're just expressing an anti-Semitic opinion? Not based on any evidence? And all people who overwhelmingly agree are just also anti-Semitic? Can't you see how this just makes Israel above criticism so it can continue its genocidal landgrabbing?

Bud, I'm sorry to say that you have been tricked™.

You're delusional. Listen to how you speak in absolutes and put words in my mouth.

And this?

How will you run away from this one?

Oh gee how will I "run away" from an opinion piece in Qatari state media. If you're just pretending to be a fool you are doing very well.

an opinion piece

Do you not see how dumb that was to say given it was NOT an opinion piece?

and how about running away from this one? sorry, no response on this yet??? Is this also an "opinion piece" from "Qatari run state media"? Or is this just another piece of reality that you want to ignore?

I have lots more btw. You don't like the NYT? no problem, I got the same piece of news from a lot more outlets spread over many dates.

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