Democrats Should Pick a New Presidential Candidate Now, The party needs to wake up and stop sleepwalking toward disaster with Biden as its nominee to politics – -30 points –
Democrats Should Pick a New Presidential Candidate Now

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But will Biden motivate enough people to get off the couch to vote?

If the threat of a fascist dictator who’s currently liable for half a billion dollars of damages from his defamation (of his rape victim) and his decades of real estate fraud (not to mention his homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, xenophobia, insurrection and arguably straight up treason, Christ the list goes on) doesn’t get people voting then honestly, your vaunted republic deserves to fall.

Or you could vote for “literally none of that” Biden.

But hey, tricky choice, right?

100 million voters don't vote. Most know all of that that you listed and they still won't take the time to vote. How else would you motivate them?


The number of non-voters will go UP in 2024 compared to 2020 due to not pressing as hard on vote by mail.

Prediction: people are also tired of Biden; and Trump has had 4 years to retcon his bullshit and get less-psychotic republicans inline with shit like “Jan 6 wasn’t an insurrection”

Biden is going to have an extremely tough fight on his hands.

People have been saying this for years, too. The DNC doesn’t care.

People can scream and howl at the moon all they want. I’ll be voting for Biden even if I resent him… won’t change that he’s loosing votes fast.

People SAY they aren't voting Biden now, but when it comes down to the election and Trump still hasn't faced a criminal charge and the only person blocking him from office is Biden? They'll vote.

All the Muslims in Michigan doing protest voting, you really think they want this guy back in office?

Now, Biden will have to REMIND everyone what the alternative is, but the choice couldn't be clearer.

Hillary said the same thing.

Yeah, but Hillary was an idiot, insulting coal miners which lost her PA, "Son of Scranton" Biden won't do that.

She also blew off Michigan and Wisconsin, which I doubt Biden will do either.

See that attitude is why we will never get true change

Man, I remember reading lists that were pretty much the same about why people would obviously vote for Clinton in 2016.

Don't remember how that went, can you remind me?

There's one key difference in those lists now, if you would like a hint: it's the straight-up treason.

No matter how divided on any other issue, that's the one that should unite us all.

You woulda thought that vaccination during a pandemic would have united us all. Or Earth is round. Or Putin is bad.

Should unite us but somehow about half of America insists they are going to vote for trump.

So it does matter who runs against trump because, believe it or not, people disagree with us. And I would rather not see another trump term.

It’s straight up supporting the massacre and ethnic cleansing of tens of thousands of people, as well as the destruction of hundreds of thousands of homes, tons of schools and hospitals, the BELGIAN office in Gaza, the mosques.

And Biden supports every bit of that, he says he doesn’t, but actions speak louder than words

What do you think Trump is going to do?

He's either going to order us to drop bombs ourselves to wipe out Gaza or demand Israel given everything we've got so Israel can drop all the bombs.

All while pulling out of NATO and embracing Russia's invasion of Ukraine, before assisting in the push to Finland, Estonia, and Latvia, with Belarus droppong the charade and publicly passing sovereignty back over to Russia.

That doesn't even mention what's going to happen here. The RNC is publicly saying they're going to end democracy to a hall full of cheers. The "day one dictator" is going to try and fucking do it. And his sycophants will allow him. Followed by mass deportationss and concentration camps of "illegals". Then declarations of naturalization of certain people to have been illegal (DREAMERs beware) to be in the next wave. Simultaneously our trans friends will be picked up. Every gay man and women will have to tread carefully or be declared a pedophile and rounded up too, and it'll only be a matter of time before they round up every outed gay person that doesn't provide them some leverage over some group.

I dont think Biden is great by any standard. And his continued support of Israel's actions in Gaza are no different than any president since Israel was forcefully taken away and given to them post WW2.

Let's remember what's at stake here. We either defeat Trump and fight for Biden to implement incremental progress and push away from Israel. Or Trump wins and the USA becomes a fascist Russian puppet state and the world is going to descend into another war.

Progress is incremental until there's a wave of change. History has repeatedly shown this. And we've seen what that wave of change is when the fascist wave comes. And the world vowed to never let it happen again. Let's not forget what our grandfather's and great grandfather's fought for.

The US has forgotten NEVER AGAIN and replaced that with sending weapons to ensure it happens again.

I’m not saying for vote for trump.

Neither side wants me so neither side can get me.

I will vote locally and state but I won’t help either person who supports the massacre of innocents in any way.

I am allowed to bitch about Biden without supporting trump.

I don’t understand why that is a hard concept for people.

Neither side wants my vote, so I am doing what everyone wants

Remember "Obama's drone strikes" & how that was going to cost him he election?

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

So why does it matter who the Dems pull out of their asses to run against Trump? You could make the same argument for voting for literally any of them instead of Biden.

I maintain that in 2016, Hillary Clinton was probably the only candidate who could've lost to Trump. So who gets picked matters. This "Biden crime family" bullshit isn't sticking the way it did with Bill and Hillary.

No, but the age thing certainly is sticking. An overwhelming majority of Americans ate concerned about his age.

Like, Taylor Swift only has 60% or so approval in America whereas I think it was some 70 or 80% of Americans are concerned about Biden's age/mental acuity.