Reddit Warns That r/WallStreetBets Could Wreak Havoc on Its Stock Price to – 722 points –
Reddit Warns That r/WallStreetBets Could Wreak Havoc on Its Stock Price

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All markets are on the whim of the people, if tomorrow everyone decided Exon Mobile wasnt worth it and we're all selling the price would tank.

Its just bad luck for Reddit, everyone thinks Reddit isnt worth shit

I don’t know if it’s bad luck. They’ve made some decisions to remind us that it’s worthless.

Heck, if Apollo for Reddit still worked, I’d probably still use it daily.

If Apollo for Reddit still worked, I’d probably still be there too. But at the same time I’m pretty thankful that things happened the way they did because it really opened my eyes to how dissatisfied I was with corporate social media and I feel so much more engaged in my hobbies and their communities now on the fediverse.

It helps that I am already primarily interested in tech, web, and networking (with some retro gaming mixed in) so the fediverse was already a suitable replacement. I feel for people whose communities are dead here.

I make stuff and yeah the crafter communities are pretty dead here. The comments I do get feel more genuine though

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I prefer Reddit today. If Reddit suddenly disappears, I will simply switch to Lemmy full time. 💀

So I really don't care what happens to Reddit.

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