Hundreds of Protesters Crash Biden Fundraiser in San Francisco, Demanding a Cease-Fire in Gaza to politics – 343 points –
Hundreds of Protesters Crash Biden Fundraiser in SF, Demanding a Cease-Fire in Gaza | KQED

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Here's my take that no one asked for.

Most of these people do not know about the horrors going on in places like Yemen or Myanmar. And if you tell them about them, they don't suddenly feel a need to rush out and start pressuring others for a cease fire.

To me, this means that most don't personally care about what's going on in Palestine, they've just been told what to feel by social media which has filtered all Israel/Palestine information through a megaphone. These people flitter between one cause after another, never forming their own opinions or taking the time to view things objectively. They just wait for what the internet tells them they should feel and act on it.

Yeah, that's an incredibly shitty and nihilistic take. People only have so much bandwidth, so while yes, there does seem to be public responses to what's based on the news, people are at least having the right reactions to it. Would you rather no one say anything? What would that say about our society and culture as a whole if they were okay with blatant genocide when it was broadcast in front of him?

And here's the thing, we don't really have any ties to Yemen, or Myanmar, but we DO have direct ties to Israel. In fact, if it weren't for the US involvement and the alliance with Israel, they never would have been as advanced and powerful as they are now. The US President has a direct influence to what is going on in Gaza, and if he wished it, he could have immediately put a stop to it. But he didn't. He is putting pressure on them now at least to start minimizing the civilian casualties, but it never would have happened if it wasn't for people protesting like this. These people are some of THE ONLY ONES that are out there and making a direct change, and your minimalizing their efforts and success.

I find it incredibly ironic how you try to paint these people as being ignorant, when you yourself have shown just how ignorant and unabashedly jaded you are at people's attempts to help.

Edit: Previous post got posted twice. Sorry.

The US President has a direct influence to what is going on in Gaza, and if he wished it, he could have immediately put a stop to it.

Israel enjoys some American cash but don't think for a second it has power over them.

At the end of the day Israel is ranked 29th in GDP and it has 400 nukes. No outsiders can tell them what to do, not even the Americans.

Israel never would have gotten there without US assistance. The US wanted a strong foothold to the middle east and thus enabled Israel by giving them almost $4 billion per year. They are literally a core element of the US's entire Middle East policy.

We had to work with someone in the area, better to do it with those who scored higher at understanding reality and rational thought.

Our other options were to trust those who worship a pedophile that married a 6 year old and raped her when she was 9. They will also behead you if you draw said pedophile with a crayon.

Not exactly the type of people you want to be allied with.

Judaism has some weird shit as well but I don't have to take my shoes off at the airport because of them nor do they get all beheady when you wanna make some cartoons about Yahweh so they're already streets ahead in my rankings.

Israel enjoys some American cash but don’t think for a second it has power over them.

Then there's no reason that Netanyahu can't carry on with his genocide without our help.

If the US put a carrier group in the med and said either you stop or we stop you, Israel would stop.

Oh really? Hasn't worked on the Houthis and they've been actively striking them for months.

Aside from that nuclear powers don't have direct conflicts for obvious reasons. If the US even thought about it Israel would remind them of the Samson protocol.

The Houthis are a rebel group used to hiding in caves while bombs fall. Apples and Oranges.

And anyone who is using nukes to cover for genocidal actions needs to lose those nukes ASAP. We don't let Iran have nukes because we consider them unstable. If Israel is really willing to bomb the entire middle east just to keep killing civilians then they are demonstrably less stable.

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Lmao the left has been trying to get the government to stop helping the Saudis in Yemen for a decade. And Myanmar was literally headline news.

Do you know about what's going on in Sudan right now?



Sri Lanka?

Tao Tao?

The Sahel?



Democratic Republic of Congo?




If we have to tackle every conflict every time we want to denounce one actor in one conflict; we're going to be here a long time.

Most of these people do not know about the horrors going on in places like Yemen or Myanmar. And if you tell them about them, they don't suddenly feel a need to rush out and start pressuring others for a cease fire.

Countries around the world erupted in protests against Israel and in celebration of the attacks on Oct 7th before Israel even responded.

The answer is quite simple, they hate Jews. The reason those other issues don't elicit a reaponse boils down to no Jews no news

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