Hamas Says Gaza Truce Possible 'Within 24 To 48 Hours' If Israel Accepts Terms

Linkerbaan@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 171 points –
Hamas Says Gaza Truce Possible 'Within 24 To 48 Hours' If Israel Accepts Terms

"If Israel agrees to Hamas demands, which include the return of displaced Palestinians to northern Gaza and increasing humanitarian aid, that would pave the way for a (truce) agreement within the next 24 to 48 hours," said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue, as negotiations were set to resume in Cairo.


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I've heard similar things in the opposite direction, that early when Israel was being split up, they offered Palestinians reasonable deals to have part of the land, including Jerusalem, that they refused because they wanted the whole thing, and therefore Israel got it all. No sources of course, just interesting that both sides say similar things.

If someone entered my house and was trying to illegally force me out I also wouldn't want to settle for only losing half my home.

What do you mean? They didn't own it beforehand, Britain did.

Okay, if someone convicted me to fight the ones that took my home in exchange for getting my home back and then giving away half my home to someone that is slowly taking more and more of my home...

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That's a revisionist version of the peace process and what happened

Partition has always been used as a way to take more Palestinian land, while Palestinians were repeatedly advocating for a Unitary / Binational State

If i lived in a country where rich settlers were displacing my communities for decades, I too would reject "offers" to forever split my homeland in half based on the whims of guilty white supremacists on another continent.

The answer is right there. The Israelis drove them out and then required a deal to let people try to come home after the violence.

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