Hamas Says Gaza Truce Possible 'Within 24 To 48 Hours' If Israel Accepts Terms

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Hamas Says Gaza Truce Possible 'Within 24 To 48 Hours' If Israel Accepts Terms

"If Israel agrees to Hamas demands, which include the return of displaced Palestinians to northern Gaza and increasing humanitarian aid, that would pave the way for a (truce) agreement within the next 24 to 48 hours," said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue, as negotiations were set to resume in Cairo.


Hamas has offered Israel multiple very tenable peace deals that include the immediate release of all Israeli prisoners and absolutely no demand for reparations for rebuilding the strip that is now thought to be uninhabitable for 70 years. Israel has denied every single one.

They have always wanted palestinians to be exterminated. This is Israel's dream scenario.

Source on previous offers from Hamas?

Here's a history of ceasefire proposals and rejections

Thank you for providing some sources. I haven't read it all yet and most of the links don't mention offers from Hamas. But I did see on Feb 20 Hamas offered to release some hostages in return for a temporary ceasefire and return of Hamas prisoners. This was rejected by Netanyahu.

I remember hearing one that was basically surrender and leave Israel

I've heard similar things in the opposite direction, that early when Israel was being split up, they offered Palestinians reasonable deals to have part of the land, including Jerusalem, that they refused because they wanted the whole thing, and therefore Israel got it all. No sources of course, just interesting that both sides say similar things.

If someone entered my house and was trying to illegally force me out I also wouldn't want to settle for only losing half my home.

What do you mean? They didn't own it beforehand, Britain did.

Okay, if someone convicted me to fight the ones that took my home in exchange for getting my home back and then giving away half my home to someone that is slowly taking more and more of my home...

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That's a revisionist version of the peace process and what happened

Partition has always been used as a way to take more Palestinian land, while Palestinians were repeatedly advocating for a Unitary / Binational State

If i lived in a country where rich settlers were displacing my communities for decades, I too would reject "offers" to forever split my homeland in half based on the whims of guilty white supremacists on another continent.

The answer is right there. The Israelis drove them out and then required a deal to let people try to come home after the violence.

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Both sides have said the same thing and offered peace deals that the other side is unwilling to accept, doesn't really matter if neither side wants to negotiate. Sucks that the civilians just have to suffer while two assholes fight it out.

There's only one side Genociding civilians right now and that's israel. There is no "both sides".

Israel is a Nazi state.

Hamas is terrible, Palestine is not. Hamas and Israel are in a symbiotic relationship to keep each other in power ruining the lives of all Palestinians. Hamas is in control because of work Israel did against the Palestinian Authority. That’s an important distinction you need to make. While also stating that Israel is an apartheid state committing genocide.

The Palestinian authority is Israel's contractor, disarming, repressing, and torturing Palestinians on its behalf. Hamas is the armed resistance group fighting Israeli occupation. Hamas is negotiating for Palestinian civilians' safety. Their terms are necessary to protect Palestinian civilians. When Palestinian resistance organizations capitulated to Israeli demands and disarmed in Lebanon, Israel promptly massacred the civilians they were protecting like in Sabra and shatila. Finally, go fuck yourself.

Well... I guess those Israelis that were butchered at that concert don't count, then?

Hamas is a terrorist organisation that has killed and kidnapped civilians. Israel killing more civilians doesn't make Hamas any less of a despicable bunch of fucks.

We are well past that. Israel has far eclipsed Hamas' crime. There's only one population being killed and starved right now.

Here is a question I'd like to ask. When america still had slaves some slaves broke free and ended up killing some white people. What I find interesting is people don't write them right away and bring into context what they had gone through. Extreme conditions produce extreme actions. And those extreme conditions were made by israel.

These ones?

Even including all the IDF kills Hamas has a 2:1 civilian casualty rate. The word Genocide is impossible to use there.

And who is currently killing civilians right now. Is the date 7 october 2023?

Are you really arguing that Hamas are the good guys because of their lower "civilian casualty rate"? Like, "yeah, they killed a lot of civilians, but the others killed more, so they're the good guys, touché"? Are you insane?

You're presenting a false dichotomy.

What Hamas did was a terrible, unforgivable act of terrorism. They should be punished for this - it doesn't matter whether the victims were civilian or not.

But Hamas isn't murdering thousands of Israeli civilians right now - only Israel is murdering thousands of Palestinian civilians. Only one of these parties is currently engaged in genocide.

This is just an explanation of what the other user was expressing. You are projecting terrible opinions onto them that they haven't even come close to expressing.

Hamas are in fact the completely righteous side in this conflict. Hamas is the resistance organization fighting a fascist, colonial, genocidal regime built on oppression, death, and ethnic cleansing. Hamas is infinitely more morally upstanding than you or I or any person not risking their lives to bring an end to Israel.

Prior to 10/7, I'd agree. The voters in Gaza elected them to run the Palestinian government for a reason.

After 10/7? You have to admit they fucked up, in a pretty colossal way. So huge that the only thing I can think of is that they wanted to provoke this insane reaction from Israel.

Israel had been destroying lives in Gaza and the West Bank for DECADES now and the world at large hadn't really been paying attention. Oh, we are now!

So, yeah, Hamas ended up getting the reaction they wanted... at the cost of thousands of innocent Palestinian lives.

10/7 is the manifestation of anti colonial resistance. It is the blueprint. There was no "fuck up". There was a groundbreaking military success that embarrassed the Israeli military and state. Now Israel is carrying out this genocide in order to reaffirm its violent dominance to itself and to Palestinians. The fact that resistance begets more colonial violence is not a fault of resistance. It is what makes resistance imperative so this structure is permanently dismantled. The Palestinians of Gaza understand this. The failure after 10/7 was on the world's part, because it allowed this genocide to happen.

They went after innocent Israeli civilians and was just as much a war crime as what Israel is doing in Gaza right now.

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If the terms don't include "kill all Palestinians" Israel isn't going to accept them.

"If Israel agrees to Hamas demands..."

Well we know that's never going to happen.

Unless Joe Biden starts pressuring israel of course.

I honestly think that Bibi knows if he tanks Biden then Trump will probably be better for his government. He has basically no incentive to be reasonable since nobody is willing to hold them accountable and he knows it's very unlikely Biden will be able to.

Bibi wants genocide and the land. Trump hates Muslims and would gladly join in the bombing.

I mean of course, trump is one of the ones that helped prop up Netanyahu during his declining popularity.

Bibi doesn't give a shit about Biden, but Israel better start giving a shit about the US. We have propped them up for well over 70 years, and the sentiment is swinging toward Gaza as a preview for Israel. We don't really want them dead but their safety is rapidly diminishing as OUR priority. Israel only had marginal popularity in the US at the best of times, making themselves the heel was not smart.

Right now we want to wash our hands of several of our middle eastern baggage states. Israel is a 3.5 billion per year financial burden and a regional soft power liability we inherited from France and England after WW2. Bibi is giving us the perfect excuse to sever existing treaties.

They want to kill all Palestinians cool, they can do it on their own permanently. It just means the US gets to cut a massive liability from their foreign relations.

We should have cut them loose ages ago.

I saw one estimate that cumulative, since 1948, we've sent them $300 Billion.

I don't care what Biden says. You don't care what he says. Nobody cares what Biden says.

Biden's words mean nothing. Only his actions matter.

So far Biden has done nothing but grovel for Netanyahu and try to give him as many bombs as possible. Biden has bypassed congress because israel needed those tank shells to commit Genocide with. Just a few days ago Biden once against used his UN veto's for israel.

Biden has all the power in the world to shut israel down. Netanyahu is powerless without Biden enabling his Genocide. Netanyahu is but a convenient scapegoat everyone points to blame.

Biden biden biden. Never blame toward congress, ANY other figure, always Biden Biden Biden. It's like you have an agenda

Bypassing Congress multiple times to provide weapons to Israel will do that.

lol did you think congress was against it? Israel is the largest recipient of military aid since WW2. We’ve consistently given them aid, regardless of the president. You’re painting it as a move that went against congress’ wishes when it was to avoid the typical congressional delays.

Your president doesn’t matter. It’s the country you live in. The US has never had a stance that’s opposed providing weapons and funding to Israel.

The country is to blame. Not this particular president. The president changes, but there is a massive apparatus that supports Israel. I don’t even think a pro Palestinian president could realistically stop it. It’s way, way bigger than just the president. Even if you had a pro Palestinian president, congress would need to change entirely as well. You guys can’t help but look at just what’s in front of your faces. You’re missing the forest for the trees.

Good call out. This shouldn't be a thing that is possible since Congress supposedly controls our budget and spending.

Because Biden is in charge.

Biden vetoes the ceasefires.

Biden bypasses congress to help israel commit Genocide.

Biden is the one who is responsible.

If it was Trump in charge it would be Trump Trump Trump. Tell me is Trump president right now?

I don't think the Israeli government has any interest in a truce, and especially not one with those terms.

To sum up right now. Israel's pre condition is the release of all hostages. Which is also all of Hamas' leverage. Hamas' pre condition is to feed civilians. Terrorist stuff isn't great but the white house and Israel are letting Hamas dunk on them in PR.

The thing throwing Israel off is that this isn't new. The only difference is that the world is now paying (half hearted) attention. This was the goal of the attacks. Get the world to pay attention to what Israel has been doing.

It's very interesting that the white house is practically admitting here that israel is using starvation as a weapon of war. And just casually includes it as "part of negotiations".

This would be great. The Palestinian people need real aid, right now. I hope Israel figures their shit out and pulls their troops out of Gaza.

I have a feeling they won’t do that. They’ll call the demands unreasonable, say Hamas refused to negotiate in good faith, and keep killing indiscriminately.

Israel (Zionism) has an explicit goal to ethnically cleanse the "lesser people" and establish a fascist state who has a holy duty and right to enslave all lesser people

So yeah, this has been going on for 75 years directly because of Zionist ideology, it's not going to stop now. History didn't start on Oct 7th.

Hopefully Israel will. Not the most likely though.

Why dont the surrender? That's what you do when you are utterly defeated and don't want more people to die.

To die in resistance is better than to live as a slave. The israelis long term plan is to remove the Palestinians anyways by either "relocating" or killing Palestinians. Resistance has to come at some point otherwise its just a matter of time before they cease to exist or be in their land.

Whats a ceasefire worth if Hamas keeps breaking ceasefires?

The only thing a ceasefire is getting Hamas off scott free after killing thousands of Isarelis, and letting Hamas regroup and launch another Oct 7th.

How many dead children is a good trade for 600 Israeli military? Just wondering :)

Are you not familar with Oct 7th, the whole reason theyre fighting this time?


"the whole reason" lol. You're trolling or a paid shill.

Cool, what happened the day before? Or the day before that? or the day before that? or the day before that?

Israel has supported Hamas and kept them in power. Israel likes Hamas because it does stuff like October 7, and justifies its use of extreme force against Gaza and displacement of Palestinians.

The word ceasefire does not mean israel can bomb children in Gaza and Hamas does not retaliate. Because that is what was happening on Oct6.

Thousands does not mean hundreds. Counting is difficult.

Do you have an independent source saying Israel was bombing Hamas on Oct 6th? Not Al Jeezera.

That did help. No major news source reported on it. All the searches were Twitter or some blog posts, likely just repeating AJ without thought.

The person I responded to specifically wanted independent news outlets, so the fact that none of these pages are "major news sources" is I think exactly what they are looking for. I'm not sure though, goalposts have a tendency to move when it comes to this kind of conversation

You're right, they phrased it poorly. Can you provide a link to some credible news sources? Not just random people's blogs

I'm sorry, but I don't think you're asking this question in good faith because I already did link credible news sources. If you think the sources I've linked are not credible, provide credible sources of your own to prove that point.

If you can't do that, that's OK and that doesn't prove either of us right or wrong about this! But if you can't do that, you're just some random person with bias on the internet, exactly like the sources that you yourself claim are non-credible.

You did not link credible sources. You linked a Google search that has Twitter links and random non-credible sources. If you want to argue good faith how about linking actual sources mr. internet stranger, since I couldn't find any. If you can't do that, I have an even better label for your reply: projecting, since that's what you're doing right now.

Can you first make a list of dependable sources? Is it the IDF website?

The only thing a ceasefire is getting Israel off scott free after killing tens of thousands of Palestinians, and letting Israel regroup and launch another October - March.