What is your irrational fear?

SendMePhotos@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 60 points –

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Needles. I got allergy tested when I was little and they pricked my arms hundreds of times to see what I was allergic to. I was also super young do naturally I wanted to itch it, and they wouldn’t let me. It got to the point where they strapped my arms to the table and all I wanted to do was scratch the areas that they had poked me…

Maybe don’t do that to a five year old.

Yea I don’t like needles

I have the same fear. Watching the news during covid was horrible.

Nurse here. It's curious. Some people with a fear of needles need to close their eyes to avoid seeing anything like you describe, and some of them HAVE to watch, because, for them, the anticipation and surprise is worse. Humans are weird, but I love you anyway. Also, I'm tired, and I just spent about one, full, uninterrupted minute laughing at your username. Thanks.

Aww. Thanks. Yes, I can't watch when I have blood work done. I don't get much sleep the night before, and while I am pretty sure I don't have anxiety, I think I had an anxiety attack the last cat scan I had. They had to try a second time to get the iv in, and I went into full meltdown mode. Pretty sure I know what event in my life caused this, and there's nothing I can do about it now. I have tried lots of things, keeping my mind occupied, headphones, breathing, it's all out the window the minute they start wiping my arm with the alcohol. I know it's irrational, and it hurts more to sub your toe, but something in my brain just goes apeshit when the needles come out. It really sucks.

Ask your doc specifically for a prn dose of Ativan or Xanax or similar the next time you have a test or procedure. It's not too uncommon. There's no reason a simple blood draw should have to ruin your whole week.

Same. And then seeing someone I know with diabetes have to jab every day drove me nuts to think about in a way.

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