Biden uses feisty State of the Union to contrast with Trump, sell voters on a second term

AFK BRB to politics – 424 points –

That was one of the more interesting SOTU addresses I've seen. Personally, I think he said most of the things that needed to be said, and he said them reasonably well. I'm sure he's going to get some flack for attacking Trump directly (though not by name), but I was frankly glad to see it. Doing otherwise makes it seem like it's just your typical election/political disagreements, but we're past that now.


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Wasn't Biden elected to dial back the fascism he's gladly overseeing? The math ain't mathing. This is why the message of Trump will be the end of democracy won't work. There's nothing democratic about the USA. This is not a hyperbole or exaggeration. He is perfectly fine COP City, NYC Subway searches and working with Right-Wing cultists on the border and Genocide.

Perhaps you're right, that his messaging won't change anyone's minds, but the reality is Trump is and will be much worse than Biden. America is fucking around and is probably gonna find out.

Most likely, the time for Biden to course correct is running out. It doesn't help people are fine with the bad aspects of his Presidency because he isn't the other guy. If you want Biden to win then help him be more humanitarian.

You can be critical of a politician and still support that politician. Why that's suddenly a super difficult thing to understand is beyond me.

If you're not agreeing with absolutely everything and refusing to blindly support their chosen politician, you're not a part of their "team". And that makes you an enemy. There's no room for nuance.

I get the frustration, but the time to express that has unfortunately passed, and it was to mount an effective Biden replacement campaign the moment Biden was first reelected. Could that hurt Biden and help Trump? Yes, absolutely, but that would have been necessary if this hypothetical were to have played out.

Assuming you were ok with that pain, then you could've effectively replaced Biden with a different senior Democrat - unfortunately part 3 - that would likely reflect mainstream big-D policies.

Or, alternatively to all of that, you couldve fundraiser for hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of dollars over the last 4 years for a 3rd party. Again, not a blue sky scenario but unfortunate reality.

But neither of those things happened so now it really is Biden v Trump and there are no other reasonable options.

You know what's funny. Every time I see this type of nonsensical comment, it reminds me why I have to vote for Biden, even if I have other issues with him. I have skipped elections in the past, and was considering doing so again, but comments like yours make it absolutely clear that the alternative is just insane.

There’s nothing democratic about the USA. This is not a hyperbole or exaggeration.

No need to go out and vote for Trump, then, just stay home!

Don't worry, many people will if Biden doesn't do a better job. That is why he is losing in most polls. Biden voters are closer to Trump than think they are.

Ah, so you are a Trump supporter, then?

Nope. I've never voted for any of the GOP. Biden is still building Trump's wall and openly working with the GOP on the border. I think you're closer than me.

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