Sweden officially joins NATO, ending decades of post-World War II neutrality

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 1198 points –
Sweden officially joins NATO, ending decades of post-World War II neutrality

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Not much if you're left to defend yourself against a dictator who likes playing land grab and takes any excuse to rape murder and torture to subjugate as a valid excuse.

Look, I hate war as much as the next guy, but you gotta be pragmatic here. Putin is NOT a nice guy, to make an understatement. Without Putin's in this world, we wouldn't need wars, but here we are...

Sometimes standing up for principles and what's right supersedes pragmaticism. Surely you get what it means to have ideals.

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Getting picked off piecemeal by warmongers

This has happened exactly zero times in the one thousand year history of Sweden. Except for when the Danes came, but they got disposed of.

You're right. Go tell them they have nothing to fear from Putin because the Shield Of History is protecting them. Meanwhile Australia, New Zealand, USA et al should all dispand all of their defense forces because they've never been invaded before so of course, history protects them too

Ok, I'm not the one to call strawman on people, I strawman all the time, but holy strawman batman.

No. It's not a strawman. I'm not making a claim about your argument, I'm being sarcastic

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