Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 to – 1041 points –
Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025

Microsoft, doing it's part to make the world a better place.


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Let's not mention the extended update service that people can buy for three years and that will make the oldest incompatible CPU 10 years old at that point...

Or the fact that people don't even realize or care that they don't get updates anymore...

Let's not mention the extended update service that people can buy for three years and that will make the oldest incompatible CPU 10 years old at that point...

What a weird way to say that the OS they bought will stop being supported on their 7 year old CPU unless they pay a subscription.

On a bit more serious way, it's a bit of a slap in the face that, you could buy W10, in theory as a single payment, with no announced EOL, and now they say that even though they are going to keep working on security updates, you have to pay extra for it.

I would have respected more of there was no extended period. This way they are encouraged to have higher W11 requirements, so that they can earn more with OEM licenses and subscriptions. And given the nature of the OS and telemetry, they are extremely informed about the install base, so it is a very calculated decision.

Don't worry, not a single consumer will buy extended support. They won't even install crucial security updates to their computer without being forced to by Microsoft.

Name a single version of Windows that hasn't stopped being supported at some point.

The difference is that Microsoft literally marketed Win10 as the last version of Windows.

I'm not even gonna bother to click on that. Microsoft said Windows 10 is the last version of Windows. I don't care for revisionist arguments trying to undo their words.

"Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10."

- Microsoft at their Ignite conference

Microsoft stuck by that line. They didn't correct it, they instead leaned into it.

Microsoft said Win10 was the last. It isn't. They lied.

"I won't bother looking at that because I prefer to stay ignorant, here's the quote they talk about in your link that I don't want to read because they actually debunk the fact that it came from Microsoft and that they never corrected it."

Lemmy truly is turning to shit all of the sudden...

It did come from Microsoft. Directly. They then never corrected it. They went along with it.

You can do mental gymnastics all you want, but the reality is that a senior Microsoft guy that Microsoft chose to speak at a Microsoft event gave a talk that was vetted by Microsoft in which he said Win10 is the last version of Windows.

Did Microsoft issue a correction? No. Not even after loads of articles came out about the subject.

Microsoft said Windows 10 would be the final version of Windows. End of discussion. Goodbye.

That comment was actually made by Jerry Nixon, a Microsoft developer evangelist who spoke at the company’s ”Tiles, Notifications, and Action Center” presentation about Windows 10 at Microsoft’s Microsoft Ignite conference in 2015. According to the transcript of the session, Nixon’s comment was more of a throwaway line, one that he literally referred to as a segue.

Here, let me spoon feed you.

Microsoft never confirmed or denied it, people just assumed it was confirmed because that's what they wanted to hear.

Here, maybe if I repeat it enough it'll get through your skull. But who knows? Maybe you're just too stupid.

It did come from Microsoft. Directly. They then never corrected it. They went along with it.

You can do mental gymnastics all you want, but the reality is that a senior Microsoft guy that Microsoft chose to speak at a Microsoft event gave a talk that was vetted by Microsoft in which he said Win10 is the last version of Windows.

Did Microsoft issue a correction? No. Not even after loads of articles came out about the subject.

Microsoft said Windows 10 would be the final version of Windows. End of discussion. Goodbye.

Let me know if you need me to repeat it again for you.

Microsoft didn't say it, there was never an official announcement, a dev said something that was interpreted the wrong way and that wasn't an official communication.

It. Wasn't. A. Microsoft. Announcement.

Fuck me you must be really, really, really stupid.

You can do mental gymnastics all you want, but the reality is that a senior Microsoft guy that Microsoft chose to speak at a Microsoft event gave a talk that was vetted by Microsoft in which he said Win10 is the last version of Windows.

Did Microsoft issue a correction? No. Not even after loads of articles came out about the subject.

Microsoft said Windows 10 would be the final version of Windows. End of discussion.

It was a senior Microsoft employee at a Microsoft event doing a Microsoft-approved speech for a Microsoft product.

Microsoft. Directly. Said. Window. 10. Would. Be. The. Last. Windows. Version. Fuckwit.

When I reached out to Microsoft about Nixon's comments, the company didn't dismiss them at all. "Recent comments at Ignite about Windows 10 are reflective of the way Windows will be delivered as a service bringing new innovations and updates in an ongoing manner, with continuous value for our consumer and business customers," says a Microsoft spokesperson in a statement to The Verge. "We aren’t speaking to future branding at this time, but customers can be confident Windows 10 will remain up-to-date and power a variety of devices from PCs to phones to Surface Hub to HoloLens and Xbox. We look forward to a long future of Windows innovations."

**We aren’t speaking to future branding at this time**

Nope, Microsoft didn't say it.

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Read my comment again, or at least once.

with no announced EOL

Also, paid extended support for Windows has been a thing since 95.

I see, the problem is that you lack reading comprehension.

Sorry I overestimated you.

Nah, the problem is you sharing your opinion when you don't take the time to analyse the facts.

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