Valve fixes Remote Play on Steam Deck

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam – 181 points –
Valve fixes Remote Play on Steam Deck

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Does Sunshine/Moonlight still blow Steam Remote Play out of the water or does this bring them up to par?

My understanding is that sunshine/moonlight has better quality still.

The built-in steam game streaming has better steam UI integration though, and is available without installing any additional software.

I've used both to play Helldivers 2 recently and have found Sunshine/moonlight to be superior.

Just curious, when you do this in HD2, how do you use the mic?

So far, I don't. It doesn't have a hot key configured by default and I just haven't changed it. I tried to assign the rear paddles, but it didn't pick it up because I think the game was emulating an Xbox controller.

But I only really do level 5/6 missions on the deck. I find it a bit too unfamiliar for 7+ missions where I need to communicate well and pull off my shots with better accuracy.

Basically the same situation here fellow Helldiver, thank you for the confirmation. Now lets get back to the front lines!!

Oh no doubt, Steam Link is super easy to use. Once quality catches up it seriously might become the Stream Deck by default at home.

What specifically is better? These are just clients for the Streaming that Steam provides, right? They don’t actually swap out the “server” side, right?

They're completely different implementations of systems that steam video/audio/inputs.

Valve's is pretty buggy but has deep integration with Steam and allow NAT traversal, while Sunshine/Moonlight are way more reliable, have features that reduce latency but are pretty barebones as far as features: they just do streaming with no tight integration with what's being streamed.

And Sunshine is a reverse engineered version of Nvidia's game stream server, since Nvidia sunset Gamestream a few months ago.

Since Sunshine & Moonlight are open source, I wonder if Valve has considered integrating them. Based on their track record, Valve would likely submit improvements upstream too

Moonlight is Nvidia game stream so it'll be using the Nvidia server or sunshine which implements the Nvidia game stream protocol for AMD/Intel/Nvidia server hardware.

I only know it as moonlight (been a while since I used it). What's the Sunshine component?

As an aside, Moonlight was incredible. Used it to play PSO2 on my phone when I was a few hundred miles away visiting a friend.

Moonlight client originally used Nvidia's streaming server. Sunshine is an open source streaming server that moonlight can connect to.

Oh, fuck yeah. I remember it using nvidia shield, and I haven't bothered with seeing if it works outside of geforce since I dropped that (fuck geforce lol). Glad to hear there's an open source alternative.

It works well! I'm actually using the moonlight client for Xbox so I can play on the couch and it's great.

I've never been able to get Steam Link to work properly. Always the wrong resolution if I even get a picture at all.

Ideally it would work like a game streaming service where it just renders graphics based on your client display but usually it just mirrors whatever is on the "host" system display and I got tired of trying to make it work properly.