US intelligence report states Netanyahu’s viability to lead Israel is in jeopardy | CNN Politics to – 179 points –
US intelligence report states Netanyahu’s viability to lead Israel is in jeopardy | CNN Politics

The US intelligence community assesses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “viability as a leader” to be “in jeopardy,” according to its annual report on the national security threats facing the United States that was presented to Congress on Monday.

“Distrust of Netanyahu’s ability to rule has deepened and broadened across the public from its already high levels before the war, and we expect large protests demanding his resignation and new elections,” according to the report. “A different, more moderate government is a possibility.”


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A lot of the dissatisfaction Netanyahu is facing is because he's on trial for corruption right now (after the trial was delayed for months because of the war).

Haaretz had an article yesterday on the trial status. This is a non-paywall link.

Netanyahu Trial: Dates Set for Officials' Testimony Despite PM's Request to Postpone

Yes!! Everyone is seemingly forgetting the fact that this ass hat is under investigation for very serious corruption charges. This war makes him important enough that people are looking the other way.

I wonder if he's behind 10/7. israel did fund hamas as recently as 2018 and they did put them in charge of gaza to displace the PLO

Directly, no. Indirectly, he and his party absolutely created the conditions that lead to the current situation.

After all, why start a war, when you can get your target to start one for you so you can play the victim?