Linux equivalent of Win+Ctrl+Shift+B? (Restart graphics driver) to – 62 points –

I haven't been able to find one. Using Zorin OS which is GNOME.


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There used to exist a hotkey CTRL-ALT-BKSP for restarting your current X-Session, don't know if this still exists

That's specific to X11. It also wasn't always enabled for security reasons (breaking out of a locked screen). Now with Wayland there's no standard.

It's turned off by default in a lot of distros these days but it can be turned back on. It used to be that editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf was recommended but because file inclusions are a thing these days, it makes more sense to create a new file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/enable-killing-xserver.conf:

Section "ServerFlags"
        Option "DontZap" "false"

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier                       "Keyboard Defaults"
        MatchIsKeyboard        "yes"
        Option                           "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"

Then restart the X server (which, these days, is pretty much a reboot). Or, going through the documentation archives, it looks like you could dispense with the config files and run setxkbmap -option "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp" in a terminal session and that'll do the same thing.

Additionally, it terminated all gui processes. Which the windows shortcut mentioned in the question doesn't.

There is a proposal to consider making a Wayland extension where programs can sit around and re-attach to a fresh, non-deaded display server. KDE is much closer to having a working version.

That doesn't restart anything. That kills the X11 server.

It may or may not restart depending on system settings.

That is not an equivalent.

On Linux, if a graphical app does not crash from this, that is a rare exception.
On windows, if a graphical app crashes from that, that is an exception.

I was thinking of that when I read this and was like. windows has something like this???

That is just the key to kill the X server. It does not restart anything.