After watching batman throw around explosives left and right I no longer believe batman doesn't use guns because of some sort of moral quandary but rather he just prefers the challenge. to – 275 points –

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Bruce Wayne is just another billionaire who likes to get dressed up in leather and beat the underprivileged of gotham. The problem is guns are too quick. He needs to teach these people the lesson that it's wrong to be poor. And he needs to teach that lesson through pain and permanent physical disfigurement. All whilst bruce's erection slowly wears its way through his cod piece, beating after beating, suit spunk after suit spunk.

Do people genuinely think this about Bruce Wayne or just fucking around? I honestly can't tell anymore.

Alan Moore's brand of nihilist contrarianism has really done a number on the discussion.

I think people are questioning the ethics of Batman more these days given how discussions around poverty and crime has changed. Given how crime is more often than not a result of poverty and a lack of social safety net than greed or lack of morals, the ethics of Batman bypassing the justice system^1^ and beating the shit out of henchman comes into question.

My exposure to this line of thinking was FD Signifier's video on edge lords, but I haven't seen other people talk about it until now.

1. the justice system also fails these people but we'll ignore that for the sake of argument

In early depictions of Batman, there were times in which he freely killed criminals and times where he was an officially deputized state agent. In contrast, most depictions since at least the late 80s and 90s were much more progressive, with Bruce Wayne being the biggest philanthropist in Gotham, helping to provide low cost housing and healthcare, as well as funding criminal rehabilitation and direct job placement for ex-cons with Wayne Industries. Writers were aware of the other aspects of justice that Batman needed to embody long before it was trendy on the internet to edgily portray Batman as a billionaire who enjoys beating people up for fun.

Plenty of people will say that. This is a really good dismantling of the whole concept by thoughtslime, where he basically points out how contradictory and malleable the entire character is, and he can be written as an authoritarian but usually isnt, plus some other stuff I don't remember:

Also it's unlisted because it's in the raft of videos thoughtslime has decided are outdated, bad, or have problematic elements. Idk what it is about this video that got it on the list, but I feel it's important to mention.

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He also probably holds a large stake in Arkham. Every criminal he sends is money the city puts into his deep pockets

Wasn't his mother from the Arkham family?

Only in The Batman, that's not cannon to any other incarnation.

Non-cannon doesn't exist in the DC multiverse.

Since every iteration is just a different universe. All of them are cannon.

Yes, even the Batnippels one.

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