Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill with no loss in pay for workers to – 1598 points –
Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill

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We need this so fucking bad.

Of course we do, so do the corporations, though they don't realize it. With happier workers you get more profits.

Call your House of Representative member and let them know that.

If we citizens don't apply the pressure, nothing will happen.

And if your cynical about doing that, try it anyway, just as an experiment, to see what happens. Hell, even make a YouTube video about your experience doing so, for content.

Just say "Please let my representative know that I am in favor of the Bernie Sanders bill (Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act) for a 32 hour work week."

It's just a phone call. A 32 hour work week is worth a single phone call, right?

"but more hours means more productivity %%"

I'm going to go with you forgot to add the /s to your comment.

The quotes provide the same meaning, basically that you are parodying the other side.

Quotes are usually reserved for actually quoting someone else (for example), and not making a statement about parodying the other side.

It's a pretty commonly used format on many parts of the internet, I think most people would interpret it that way, especially when everybody reading will see that what is being quoted is obviously untrue.

Well I guess I'm being nuanced here, but I don't think in this specific case that works out that way, considering what it's replying to.

In other words I would agree with your interpretation if the reply was parodying something I said directly. Otherwise it just seems something of a non sequitur.

Anyway, I get what you're trying to communicate towards me, I even agree that sometimes it is using the way you describe. I would just think that's done the minority of the time, and the majority of the time quotes are used to actually quote someone.

I felt like "/s" gives the "joke" away so I opted not to have it and have people actually think critically, especially since the statement is false.

Do you think the joke matched the comment it was replying to, which was about calling your house representative?

It's what a wealthy conservative business owner might say upon reading the first sentence of your comment, I think it fits.

It’s what a wealthy conservative business owner might say upon reading the first sentence of your comment, I think it fits.

Fair enough, and that's the answer I was looking for.

The majority of the comment was about contacting your house representative, but you're right, it could match the first sentence, I guess.

I kind of wished they would have quoted that first sentence as part of their reply with the joke, to save me some time in replying.

It's a cynical statement, lighten up

lighten up

Not a matter of lightening up, its a matter of trying to understand, as it seems like such a non sequitur.

Is it really so hard to believe that somebody would want to know why somebody replied to them in such a perceived strange and unrelated sort of way?

I think if it was intended to quote someone they would put who they were quoting. Otherwise there's not really a point.

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So you’ve never read fiction?

No, in all the decades I've been on this planet, I've never read one book of fiction of any type whatsoever.


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Don't get me wrong, I love me some Futurama, but you're going to have to elaborate on this reply, and how it relates to my comment about contacting your house representative.

"I don't miss twice Campers."

I loved that line.

I was jokingly suggesting that unhappy workers are actually more productive but in reality I'm 100% with you.

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