the Second Beehaw Community Survey

alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgmod to Beehaw – 69 points –

welcome to the second-ever Beehaw Community Survey. it's been awhile because of everything going on; we last did one of these with the influx of people last June and we got 1,500 responses that time. we don't expect anywhere near that many this time, but that's fine.

this survey should take about 10 minutes to fill out, so we strongly encourage you to do so when you are able to. you can find it at the following link:

Beehaw Community Survey #2

the survey is comprised of eight optional demographic questions to help us assess the overall identity of our community and eight questions relating to Beehaw and the Fediverse. the survey will be open for at least three days but no longer than one week. it'll be locally pinned for the duration of that minimum three days, so please mind that. results will also be aggregated and posted on here/the Docs page in a summary like with the last survey. no ETA on that.

this is also a good time to remind everyone that Beehaw has moved over to Open Collective Europe Foundation, and we will be taking all donations from there going forward. please direct your donations there if you haven't switched from our old Open Collective Foundation page yet!


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I think regarding the app question, the necessity of the app is dependent on how good the web interface is on mobile. If the web interface is strong/ customizable enough, an app would not be needed. If you can keep Beehaw compatible with the Lemmy apps, you could invest less energy into the mobile web interface, I think

It's something I was wondering myself, do you really NEED an app for the fediverse, or you can just use a browser? Like are there additional features that you can't have otherwise?

My personal opinion is, not everything needs to be an App. Beehaw is a website. I already have an app on my phone for websites, its called a Web Browser. Better to integrate well into that. We're not doing anything on Beehaw that needs to be app specific, like siphoning up contacts or your location. Just a friendly web site.

Apps break the web. You shouldn't need an app for a well-designed and optimised website.

Throwing the user face into competition does improve the quality.

I concur. I'd be sad to lose Jerboa (I'm slowly getting too old to get used to new stuff and the current web interface looks a bit cluttered on my phone), but if that's the only thing keeping you from switching to Even More Awesome New Beehaw, then so be it.

Maintaining compatibility is not a good idea in the long run. Lemmy may change its API. Beehaw would become unusable, then.

It would be possible to keep up with Lemmy's API changes though it would certainly help if Lemmy's API was actually versioned.

It's possible, but Lemmy's APIs are designed for Lemmy's goal (if they have any) and internals. Lemmy can change APIs to make their code development easier. Instead, Beehaw would follow the same APIs to make theirs harder.

So, IF there'll be a few apps that respect Beehaw APIs that'll save Beehaw devs' time, and so they can focus more on their goals.


Also if the site is well designed, you can use an app like "Hermit" to turn it into essentially an actual app.