Apple co-founder calls out ‘hypocrisy’ of politicians calling for TikTok ban | CNN Business to – 369 points –
Apple co-founder calls out ‘hypocrisy’ of politicians calling for TikTok ban | CNN Business

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Man who profits from slave labor in China, is against China being fucked with. Why is this news?

Woz doesn't profit from slave labor in China any more than any of us since he hasn't actually worked for Apple since like 1985. Since then, he's started a number of other companies doing a bunch of other stuff, like cleaning space junk most recently

Are you saying he doesn't profit off apple as one of its largest shareholders?

He was one of the largest shareholders. One third of the company in fact... but he sold most of those way back when they were worth almost nothing (as in hundreds of dollars). And as far as we know virtually all the rest of his shares since then have been gifted to charities. Mostly schools.

"I do not invest. I don't do that stuff. I didn't want to be near money because it could corrupt your values." -- Steve Wozniak, five years ago

He makes a good living doing speeches at universities/etc - that's his primary wealth, not his shares in Apple. If he had kept even a tenth of the shares he once owned, he'd be richer than Elon Musk. As it is, the house he lives in is likely more than half of his total worth (it's a nice house, with six bedrooms, in a nice location... more than most people can afford but hardly extravagant, 6 bedrooms is enough to host a large family holiday party, which I think is quite reasonable).

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My man doesn't even see the name of the person, just the company he worked for... Over 30 years ago.

Bro, do some reading, it would help you.

He's a major shareholder and has made over $150 million off his apple association. Stop defending the ultra rich, this guy would fuck and kill your children if it made him an extra buck, he doesn't give a fuck about you. Don't buy into their pr "I'm a good one" narratives

this guy would fuck and kill your children if it made him an extra buck, he doesn't give a fuck about you.

Lol this is the most confidently incorrect statement about Woz I’ve ever read.

Can you cite a source for that?

Also, I realize 150m is a lot of money to people.. But making only 150m ever from apple stock? Sounds like not alot considering apples valuation so I doubt him being a major holder with that profit from stocks, nor enough that I'd consider "ultra rich" when CEO of reddit makes more than that as a salary per year apparently. That's not even considering stock spez owns.

Judging by your comment history, you seem like a rather unhappy person. I hope you can find peace some day soon, I don't think social platforms will help you find that peace however. Good luck.

He gave a lot of his stock to the workers/friends/fellow founders Steve Jobs deliberately screwed over when they went public.

He could have been a billionaire, as the engineer actually doing the work of early Apple, but he decided his coworkers deserved to share the profit.


What does that sound like again?

A man that would fuck and kill my child for an extra dollar! /s

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