AI bots hallucinate software packages and devs download them to – 399 points –
AI bots hallucinate software packages and devs download them

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So cows and pigs salary when?

When they grow god damn thumbs.

When they grow god damn thumbs.

So, you're prejudiced against the handicapped. Wow.

(I kid, I kid.)

Now that's just not fair. I don't think any of us have a problem with handicapped cows getting the special help they need, be it a wheelchair or a prosthetic arm.

Even animals are protected against human cruelty by law.

You're moving the goal post. You were talking about salary first, then moved to "human cruelty."

Are you suggesting slavery isn't a form of cruelty or are you just being obtuse?

lol. we're talking about AI hallucinations and you're trying to drive the topic elsewhere. Nice red-herring attempt.

I don't think that slaughterhouses are illegal.