"Hitler level stuff": Kanye West faces new lawsuit alleging antisemitism and abuse at Donda Academy

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 257 points –
"Hitler level stuff": Kanye West faces new lawsuit alleging antisemitism and abuse at Donda Academy

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"And Gay people are controlled by Bill Gates so that they don't have children for population control."

He ain’t right.

No it's true. Bill Gates gave me $50, or put a chip in my COVID vaccine, or something and told me not to have kids and I was like, "oh, yeah cool." Don't pay any attention to the many, many gay and lesbian couples who have children, and the many straight couples that don't. Me and Kanye know the real truth.

Seriously though, I wish that man would stay on his meds. I feel bad for his kids. They deserve a dad who's stable and not super into Hitler.

He’s still trying to get his money back from my gf. She agreed to prefer women then went and had 4 kids

God damn it. There goes that incredibly sensible plan to reduce the population by getting a very small minority not to have babies. Sorry, Bill!

Kanye is prone to severe mania with psychosis at best, but more likely schizoaffective disorder. His thoughts are not based in reality

He's bipolar and that's definitely more sad than anything. Homie needs help and support...

Nah, sorry. I'm going with my favorite podcaster's take on this: mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility. Kanye is bipolar, and unmedicated, both of these things are true. However, that doesn't mean we should simply ignore or excuse his comments as "well he's still in a manic state." He knows what he's saying, he's backed it up and doubled down when confronted on it.

Yes obviously, I'm not condoning what he did and said. He's very obviously mentally ill, I'm just pointing out that it's sad and he needs professional help.

who’s the podcaster in question? i’ve been looking for a new podcaster to listen to

Marcus Parks of Last Podcast on The Left and No Dogs in Space.

And Marcus definitely knows a few things about mental health. He's been around that block once or twice.