Steam is a ticking time bomb to – 114 points –
Steam is a ticking time bomb

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This is why beehaw needs downvotes. Crappy submissions like this article that don't make any sense

Edit: OP has been spamming his nonsense across multiple communities, and has hundreds of downvotes on each of them. Except here on beehaw...

Thank you.... I was reading and thinking "this makes no sense... Does the author know what a monopoly actually is??"

No, Beehaw doesn't need downvotes.

I think it's fair to acknowledge that everything is a trade-off, and without downvotes, we have to accept the downsides.

Might be due to my instance, but I see downvotes. Not nearly enough as it should have after reading the article though.

fwiw, OP wrote the article himself and then spammed it to lots of different instances. Definitely worth blocking this spammer.