unsure why we are surprised lol

spujb@lemmy.cafe to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 669 points –

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It actually would be a good thing. Pariah instances are how the fediverse will have to moderate itself, and these people have shown themselves to be incapable of playing well with others. I purposely avoided joining any of their subs because I saw how toxic their influence was on reddit.

If you look at peertube, there's one instance that hosts Steven Crowder and Alex Jones and like two other people who I assume are lesser demons of some kind. I would avoid any instance that doesn't have the good sense to defederate from that one. This is a similar thing. I doubt the tankies are going to be on the popular side of the schism if it happens, they would have an echo chamber and we would be rid of them.

The thing about an echo chamber like that is that thanks to the public nature of federation status, it would be obvious who the pariah instances are, so anyone still there would be made aware that they are the minority, not the voice of the people in any way. That's something that takes longer to notice in a forum like truth social. The numbers might be there for people to see, but it's a different platform so you can say there's a slow adoption rate or something, like you can say about Lemmy. With pariah instances there is a direct and obvious comparison, and people have left because your instance fucked up. That's going to drive all but the most hardcore folks away to other instances.

I welcome diversity of opinion. I may accidentally learn something. If I find a poster or instance I find particularly distasteful, I can block them. No need to censor unless it's human trafficking, CSA., gore, and especially the American exceptionalist vote blue/maga stuff.

I'm not particularly into right or left wing authoritarianism, but I enjoy learning something beyond typical American propaganda.

This isn't about diversity of opinion. I will happily talk to a tankie and explain why I think they are wrong, unless they're a toxic asshole in which case I will simply point out that fact. The problem is when tankies get in charge of forums they behave like toxic assholes, and then yeah, I think we should ditch that forum.

What's stopping you from blocking a particular instance? Why do you want to block it from me?

Nobody is blocking you from it. You can go find an instance that doesn't defederate. You can make an account with them. Literally nobody is stopping you.

If the admins of your instance agree it should be defederated and you disagree, then I guess that instance isn't a good fit for you.

This isn't like... a difficult concept, so I have to ask what it is about it that you're struggling with.

Ohh, the "no you!" H hit me in the feels!

If you can't even be bothered to write a coherent sentence then I have to say I'm not too concerned about what you have to say.

apparently they were manipulating votes, banned for it on my instance at least. i didn’t even know that was a thing, which makes all this defederation discourse so much more depressing !?

Oh wow... vote manipulation how? Like using alts or something else? How do you detect this? I am so curious now.

no clue of how. i just noticed a suspiciously symmetrical jump in the numbers and i reported it off a hunch. i wasn’t at all sure until my admin dm’d me to confirm i was right (i assume admins can see the IDs and times of votes and triangulate off that but that’s just a guess)

Super interesting, I've heard often you can catch cheaters more in the data than in the specific act. So do you mean that you just noticed the sudden +4 / -4 jump? If they all came from the same IP address then that would probably be enough, I guess.

yeah i just saw a good dozen or so comments across a few threads with a very obvious +6/-6 gotten within a few minutes where there had ben no votes before. im sure if you plot that data out compared to real activity it becomes pretty clear there’s something fishy. and an IP would certainly help too.

again no idea what kind of mod tools lemmy has this is all just conjecture on my part. but quite interesting!

Fascinating... this is what i feel this thread had happen. Some of these comment chains had tankies downvoted and sanity upvoted by 3+ margins that mysteriously flipped to 6 point margins the other way within only 3 hrs. And the sheer amount of comments on here ballooned as well. I know they follow some of us around. They can claim theyre arguing one thing or the other, but its always to spread FUD and push non-voting or third party voting in the states. Its all about fucking up our election to install our own shitty dictator before our demographics in the country shift so hard the gop never get a chance to take the oval office ever again.

If u point that out ahead of time, tho, they mass downvote u and act like ur a conspiracy theorist.

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Actually looking at those mod logs it looks like a bunch of "davi" accounts across multiple instances. I guess it was just alts.

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I don't think you understand just how persistent these people can be, Internet Communist is their personality. The last time I looked, all their memes were thinly veiled jabs at capitalism, or the US, or about their politics in some way, they find a way to shoehorn it into every single conversation.

They're also in support of almost everything Russia does, including invading their neighbours, and opposed to everything the US does.

They're awful, they're abrasive, and they get everywhere.

Internet Communist is their personality

Not really, it's their facade. They're not actually communists, it's just a mask they use to spread CCP and Kremlin propaganda. Plus their paid to do it, they're not authentic.

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ooh i never knew about the crowder/jones peertube thing, thanks for this analysis!

also for those downvoting you, it’s not really even an echo chamber. my instance defederates both, nevertheless i hear about shit that goes down on .ml literally daily, same as i am still well aware of the latest on crowder and jones.

defederation literally just means i’m spared the curse of having to deal with the shit firsthand. i still have no lack of understanding of the positions involved.

Then block the instance for yourself. If I get tied of it, I can do that for myself. No reason you should be my Internet guardian.

ur fighting with shadows homie. my instance is not yours. no reason for you to feel threatened by me expressing my experience.

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