The less you vote, the more you back Trump to politics – 731 points –
The less you vote, the more you back Trump

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All those lives in Gaza saved.

And you somehow think voting for Trump, or giving him an advantage, will help in Gaza?

He will put zero pressure on Netanyahu. He'll likely openly support the effort and say something like "the Palestinians are just like the illegals crossing our border."

Voting isn't picking someone you like, voting is choosing the person with the best chance of winning and creating policies aligned with your values and ideals. If you vote for somebody with zero chance of winning, you're giving an advantage to the candidate who undermines your values being implemented in the long term.

If we had ranked choice voting, or if the alternative candidate wasn't openly threatening democracy, the rationale would be very different.

The smart people tried to explain to the voters that Brexit would be an enormous failure, but the voters let their emotions get in the way of being rational, and now they're suffering and wished they had voted differently.

We have the potential for something much worse with Trump. Much worse. If you can't see through your emotions to understand that if Trump is elected your vote may never matter again, I'm not sure you have the rationale capacity to be worth the time I spent typing this response.

Help? You cant save a corpse. The hostage is dead, youve got no leverage anymore.

Oh man, I missed the memo that every Palestinian died, and people with uteruses, and anyone who doesn't identify as cishet, and everyone impacted by climate change, and everyone in Ukraine.

Man, I've been wasting a lot of time and energy worrying about all those dead people.

What are you going to actively do to change the future? What effort are you going to make to respect those unnecessary deaths?

Not reelect the same person responsible for this in the first place? The guy that was making executive orders to bypass congress to deliver weapons to Israel?

Donald said "Israel should finish the job." IDK how much more directly one can reference "Final Solution." Sure, he will save the Palestinians.

Okay. What does that have to do with Gaza already being obliterated? The killing already happened.

If it's already a lost cause why are you bringing it up? Would "Final Solution" Donald have saved those lives? Or would he have done at least as poorly while also placing Christofascist judges onto federal benches?

You'll never get an answer, they're arguing in bad faith.

Of course. I'm talking to other readers, really. No matter what I write, this person will be bothsidesing until Nov. 4th when they can don their red hat again.

There's lots of people still living in Gaza. There might not be if Trump wins.

You really don't see the difference between killing one person and killing ten people? Yeah, both are murder but one is worse.

There absolutely wont be if Biden wins. Biden is president. For the entirety of the Gaza slaughter he has been. He has been personally supplying the weapons to Israel to do it. He is responsible for these deaths. Somehow, somehow you think palestinians will be saved by electing this man?

Somehow, somehow you think palestinians will be saved by electing this man?

Absolutely. I don't know what is so difficult for you to understand about this. Democrats want to limit the killing. Republicans want to increase the killing. There's never been an easier choice in the history of choices.

Some Democratic lawmakers have spoken of making the proposed $14.3 billion in American assistance to its Mideast ally contingent on concrete steps by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government to reduce civilian casualties in Gaza during the war with Hamas.

Think any Republicans would every say that?

Why are you telling me about empty words being said when i am showing you concrete, physical facilitation of the killing Israel has been committing??

Because Democrats are trying to rein in Netanyahu. Republicans are trying to make him go farther. You really don't see the difference?

some portion of democrats are telling you they're trying to rein in Netanyahu, because it's going terribly for them politically. In practice, the only things they have actively done is send him more weapons to kill more Gazans with. That's it.

It always comes down to conspiracy theories with you people. "They SAY they want to stop the genocide but what they REALLY want is more genocide". If I throw enough facts that contradict your story, you'll start abandoning facts.

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It fucking sucks and I strongly support the uncommitted movement and putting all the pressure we can on him about Gaza (see my post history if you want). Trump is going to be as bad or worse on Gaza, it fucking sucks but there isn't a way you can vote to fix Gaza.

Sure there is, elect someone other than Biden or Trump. Trumps gonna win because picking a viable candidate to run against trump keeps getting shot down

Cool, figure something out to make that viable. Not voting, or voting 3rd party, isn't going to change anything.

In the meantime, back in the real world of today, be a grownup.

you just vote for someone else. But you wont, and Trump will win because of it.

Did you mean the rhetorical you, or was my comment not clear...?

Yeah no, im well aware of that self fulfilling prophecy. Youre not aware of the self fulfilling part. No one else can be viable because you wont let anyone be.

I wish we had - the time for that choice was the primaries. At this point the choice is Biden or Trump.

we didnt really have primaries. the only choice we get is in november.

We did - it's just that nobody in the establishment wants to run against an incumbent president. You almost certainly had the opportunity to vote for Marianne Williamson though.

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