Suicide is on the rise for young Americans, with no clear answers to – 124 points –
Suicide is on the rise for young Americans, with no clear answers

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with no clear answers

I can think of a few...

Livable wages, shorter hours, affordable housing, universal healthcare, cities designed around social interaction rather than everyone stuck in their cars all the time so people can actually make friends, less police violence, not being worried about getting shot on campus on the way to chem class...

Well those answers cost money. They want cheap clear answers that don't cost much, like a pizza party.

Whoa whoa whoa - pizza costs money. We will do a potluck and require everyone bring their own food to share instead.

If only we had politicians with the balls to actually do something.

Oh they're doing plenty. Deregulation, accepting bribes, dismantling of social programs, curtailing freedom, and actively fighting against any improvements to society, government, or business. Ya know, the Republican platform.

Umm.. you guys have been having a Dem president lately? And if my memory serves me well the ones before Trump were D, D, R, R, D, D... This is not the work of the gop alone, and is happening in every other part of the world as well. Things in Europe and Latin America suck just the same, with governments of every colour and it's the same story: the good ones always have their hands tied and can't do any of the things they promised but the bad ones somehow can do lots of things, see all the damage Trump did in just four years.

you had me in the first part, but I'd point out and add that the Democrat establishment never hesitates to squander an opportunity.

One side actively stands for disaster, the other side occasionally throws us a bone. Eh, it sucks, but the alternative is revolution and we're too lazy for that.

It all boils down to cost of living. Housing, healthcare, food, utilities, everything has gotten so expensive because capitalists said so, and now even working harder than before yields less than it did prepandemic. I work 50-60 hour weeks (my own choice, independent electrical contractor) and make pretty good money while keeping my prices somewhat reasonable, but my accounts just simply drain. It's infuriating.

I think that cost of living is a huge part of it, but another huge part of it is loneliness. We've become a society where no one talks to each other. Everyone is sealed off in their own little bubble- in their homes, in their cars, and if, god forbid, they have to walk, wearing earbuds. Sure, you can talk online like we're doing, but that's not the same thing at all.

oh sure - but those arent realistic. I mean, have you been paying attention? the last few years have been bad and its just getting worse.

suicide isnt the answer but I can see why some would consider it.