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My friends and I are all huge Bernie supporters. We still voted for Hillary. We weren't happy about it, but we voted. All the blame against Bernie supporters bothers me. It wasn't us... And to use Bernie as the scapegoat is hiding the real problems in the system and the idiotic choices the democratic party makes. She still won the popular vote. We voted. Gerrymandering sucks.

It's hilarious because the amount of Hillary 08 supporters who voted McCain instead of Obama is much than Bernie supporters who voted Trump.

The whole "Bernie bro" thing was 90% astroturfing. I'm sure a few individuals hopped onto that artificial bandwagon, but I don't expect it was too many.

It's funny because this was supposedly some huge movement and yet i never actually met any of them.

Gerrymandering makes no difference in a presidential election.

It does when the gerrymandering leads to policies and practices that make voting more difficult.

The clumping of whole states into winner takes all buckets, and the way that can subvert the overall popular vote, is identical to the dynamic of the “gerrymandering” proper term usually used with regard to congressional districts. To correct someone like you just did requires ignoring the entire meaning of the word to uphold to a strict definition of the word.

Even with a strict definition, gerrymandering is still absolutely a thing with presidential elections, with Dakota boundaries being drawn to break it into two states to give Republicans twice as many electoral votes.

It's technically not gerrymandering, but the electoral college is a very similar issue.

I didn't vote for Hillary but I voted for Biden.

I completely regret voting for Biden.

Meaning you have decided you would have preferred another Trump term?

Yep. Then democrats might learn to stop running candidates who just look out for different rich people.

Now we're gonna get another wet noodle like biden and history continues to repeat itself.

I don’t believe in this “that’ll teach them and THEN they’ll turn it around” dynamic.

Just think about it. After Trump beat Hillary don’t you think they got just about the biggest wake up call of all? And then who did they run? Biden.

That's because they thought biden could win and they were right.

If they lost twice in a row, then even their constituency would be nominating someone else.

As you say, they were right. Biden won. As long as the wet noodles keep winning, they’re going to keep coming.

Personally I don’t think another 4 years of Trump is worth the low chance that a loss to him would really, finally force the Democrats to change. If that change comes, it will be over time. The old guard is finally falling away as their health fails.

And with the Supreme Court, Roe, etc, I can’t possibly sanction more Trump years just because I think Biden is a wet noodle.

And the Biden administration has been pretty good. Not great. We're hardly moving the ship, but at least it's in the right direction.

I'd rather move two knots in the right direction than ten in the wrong one.

They absolutely will not, that's the whole reason they're there. For change to come they must be replaced.