Linus Torvalds Injects Tabs To Thwart Kconfig Parsers Not Correctly Handling Them to – 507 points –
Linus Torvalds Injects Tabs To Thwart Kconfig Parsers Not Correctly Handling Them
  • Linus Torvalds added hidden tabs to Kconfig to challenge parsers that can't handle them.
  • Tabs were intentionally added to the common Kconfig file for page sizes to expose faulty parsers.
  • Torvalds believes parsers unable to handle tabs shouldn't be parsing kernel Kconfig files, aiming to force fixes.

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On the fediverse we do not have to worry about upsetting coka cola or spez because a swear appeared next to their advertisement or name. Not that many people care about that elsewhere, but we especially don't care about it here. I think that's worth calling attention to every once in a while. It doesn't always have to be swears as the vehicle to remind us that the power dynamic is different here.

It's fucking nice to be reminded there no corpo overlords here sometimes, though. Which is ironic that sometimes the foss benevolent dictators for life aren't always benevolent.

It's not about whether other people are willing to accept it. It's about whether I'm willing to generate it. This is the other half of the principle.

But you still used it, no one's confused about what word you meant. It's such an odd line to draw IMO.

It's like the "anal doesn't count as REAL sex" nonsense, but for cussing lol

Obviously the semi-censored version isn't the same - otherwise you wouldn't be talking about it. And the author has told you that it was a stylistic choice to use that different version. That's enough, isn't it? And judging by the reactions here, apparently the semi-censored version is even more hard-hitting than the full word!

Swearing is used for emphasis and to invoke a reaction. The attention it has brought here seems to show that it has invoked a reaction and captured people's attention. Maybe that drawing of attention means it was fit for purpose - or maybe not. In any case, it was the choice of the author to do it like that.

Of course they can do whatever they want, it just looks juvenile.

"I don't wanna cuss so I self-semi-censor the words" is still just cussing. It's a weird lie about something that doesn't matter, just fucking cuss or use a different word if you don't like cussing.

You think it's juvenile to self-censor? Have you never heard and adult use swear-adjacent words when talking? This happens for all sorts of reasons. If you think this is a childish thing to do, then I can only assume social norms are very different where you. I can't think of any child I know ever self-censoring in this way. They'd either swear, or not swear. But I do know of adults who do it.

But they didn't use swear adjacent words, they self censored some letters from a cuss word. I even said "just use a different word."

Oh my god! You're right! I see now! Thanks for clarifying that. It was totally absurdly juvenile and silly of them to write like that. Should we really even tolerate that kind of behaviour here on lemmy? I didn't understand how bad it was until you explained it to me - but I'm sure glad you did, because now it is so crystal clear that the way that they expressed themselves was ridiculous and possibly even harmful to the community.

Do you also think "lets go Brandon" is more civil than "fuck Joe Biden"?

I was just pointing out it was silly that they "don't want to generate" cuss words, but instead of just saying a different word, they still just cuss. It's a weird mental block that doesn't make sense.

Yeah. It makes no sense. A totally crazy mental block. Irrational and nonsensical. No sane person would ever write like that. No chance anyone would ever want to express themselves in that way unless that had some kind of twisted sinister motive. We shouldn't allow that kind of thing here. We need to make sure everyone on lemmy knows that it is not what we want in this community. Lets keep this discussion going to make sure this wisdom is heard.

Oh, BS. You don't have to worry about swearing on Reddit either. Yes, reddit sucks, but the censoring of words on there isn't like TikTok.

Yeah though I have to admit I like it when people self censor because I imagine them like a cute Ned Flanders all flustered 'well dang diddly h - e - double C!'

But yeah it's nice that platform's exist simply for people to express themselves rather than to serve as vehicles for advertising. I'll say fuck to celebrate that!