U.S. likely to enact a law soon that could ban TikTok nationwide, President Joe Biden vowed to sign it into law

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 248 points –
U.S. likely to enact a law soon that could ban TikTok nationwide

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  • People: Why doesn’t the government ever pass a law that protects its citizens.

– Government: Here’s a law to protect our citizens from a foreign government spying on them.

– Gen Z: Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!

But this doesn't stop anyone from spying on them. Data collection, aggregation, sale, and exploitation is entirely legal so if the Chinese government wants your data they can buy it wholesale for less than maintaining TikTok from Google, Microsoft, Apple, Meta, Discord, and Amazon.

All you're doing is taking a bunch of blubbering buffoon's at their word that this is for your protection.

Literally no downsides to getting rid of TikTok.

Literally no downsides to getting rid of TikTok.

Well, unless you want people under the age of 40 to vote for you.

There's really no upside either so it's really just a waste of time. Millions of Americans without proper medical. Congress sleeps. Short form video. Real shit.

The law isn't specifically for TikTok. Its to allow the US government the ability to ban any foreign owned company.

Ah but that foreign government is cool and good! Gen Z knows that because the propoganda platform they've become addicted to tells them that China is cool and good, so clearly the U.S. is bad and being mean to the Chinese.

I have literally never seen a single pro CCP tik tok. Been using it for several years daily. Not that they don't exist, but if you're not looking for them it certainly does not direct you to them.

China told people lies about the bill and told them to call congress. They did call congress and complain citing the Chinese lies.

Also large chunks of this one, too. Theyre really trying to make this seem like its about stripping ur privacy. Like, theres literally another bill right now thats passing thats actually about stripping away ur rights to digital privacy, this one in particular has nothing to do with that. This one truly is, adversarial govts shouldnt get to spy on our citizens.