Baldur's Gate 3 studio confirms two new projects: "Will be our best work ever" to – 135 points –
Baldur's Gate 3 studio confirms two new projects: "Will be our best work ever"

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People didn't really like it when CD Projekt Red did that with Cyberpunk, and this is a pretty close mirror image of that..

Because they failed, but then still delivered an unfinished game. If CD PR was as well managed as Larian rather than being shareholders' bitch, they'de be releasing Cyberpunk right about now, properly finished.

The main problem with that one was a hypetrain without brakes that crashed into a solid wall of broken promises

People don’t like that cyberpunk was/is graphically unoptimized. If your computer can run it the game’s fine.

You're saying this like the reason everyone was pissed off about cyberpunk was because of anything other than it not being finished. STILL.