That's the only reason. to Lefty – 565 points –

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I love how you get downvoted for stating the obvious. Oh someone does not like tattoos and/or piercings? That person must be the devil himself! Absurd. Focus on actual arguments instead of such nonsense.

Imagine reading a joke/meme and feeling personally called out by it.

A person reveals his character by nothing so clearly as the joke he resents.

~Georg C. Lichtenberg

(Who also liked his women on the younger side, come to think of it, although at least he waited until she was 16 to marry her. Wonder if he would have found this unfunny too.)

It's a joke as much as promoting hateful stereotypes is a joke

Wow, imagine thinking it's bad to hate terrible disgusting people that make the world a worse place for everyone... What kind of sheltered ignorance does someone need for that?

Hateful stereotypes aren't a problem when the hate is rational.

Hate is more bad for yourself than that it stops anyone else doing or being the things you're hating on

Conservatives are much more hateful than any stereotype

Does that mean you should be too?

I should be what? A conservative? No, thank you, I live in reality and I'm not scared of made-up culture war bullshit

No, hateful. Just because someone else does something stupid doesn't mean you should

Oh, yeah, you should be hateful of intolerance. If you aren't, you're hurting those who are getting hatecrimed by conservatives

Why are you generalizing a political movement?

How am I generalizing, beyond pointing out the defining cause behind the movement?

This is not a general thing amongst conservatives, that would be ridiculous

Yeah, modern conservatives are ridiculous. Haven't you heard?

I've seen strong polarization in politics, and people demonizing their opponents. Thinking the majority falls in that extreme spectrum is a ridiculous notion imo

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