The Eurobean Mind Cannot Comprehend to Lemmy – 488 points –

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Oh the entire continent is fair game

Don't make me post a journey from County Cork to Vladivostok you daftie 😂

That spans multiple continents. The pan american highway, if it weren't for a small gap in panama, would be over 20,000 km.

It would have been a continent and a whatever Central America was when I was in school but the younguns nowadays tell me that Central America is included in North America now. And most of South America seems to think that North and South America are all one continent. If we went with that we could make a really long transcontinental path.

Continents are inherently arbitrary and have always been so. We divide north and south America by an impenetrable jungle that even drug smugglers cross by boat. Similarly, for the last few hundred years Europe doesn't think that they can get past the Turks.

Vladivostok is Asia imo. East of the Urals/Turkey is Asia by most definitions.

Eurasia is one continent

186 hours to Magadan. 22 hours more than to Vladivostok.

Not from County Cork, but from Zapolarny to Magadan:

Route to Magadan is usually longer

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