Someone left a 4 inch rock rock with a line circle carved in it in the dirt next to my door to – 37 points –

What do you guys think was the intention with this? I recently had an episode of mania, and was behaving a bit oddly, but I confirmed with my mother (this was her condo I'm renting it) that it wasn't here when she left and I've never seen it before :|


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Okay that looks like a rock with a striation in it. They form in nature when a pebble is formed from a piece of rock that had several layers in it.

HERE are some more colourful ones.

Sometimes one of the layers is softer and crunbles leaving a "carved out" look.

You're probably just noticing it for the first time. Maybe it used to be up the other way and was disturbed by an animal or bird.

yeah; it looks natural to me. Might of just never been flipped to that side. Always finding trippy rocks in the garden here because house used to be near a riverbed, bits of quartz in them and such.

That looks natural. For proof chip it or break it in half to confirm the striation goes all the way through

& I do realize in hindsight it is a lot smaller than 4 inches. As the other poster suggested, I'm not trying to ascribe meaning to it.. just wondering if anyone is familiar with the potential symbology.

I grew up in a literal haunted house. All of my 4 older siblings had things happen, their friends would never want to sleep over after one time and would often leave early. Even my older brother when he was 16 with 4 other teenage boys had an apparition appear in the garage they were all sleeping and they ran out screaming.

My first memory with it was playing hide and seek when I was 4 and being under a desk, with my ear pressed against the wall. I heard a man's whispering. I didn't realize until I was 18 that where that wall bordered was directly adjacent to the closet one of my sisters had a shadowy figure stare at her from at night for years. She would often ask if any of us would sleep in there with her at night as she was terrified.

I am 100% serious, though being diagnosed later in life with bipolar type 1... Well, it is hard to be definitive about such things. I have another example if y'all are interested in hearing about it :|

What do you guy think was the intention with this?

I'm not trying to ascribe meaning to it.. just wondering if anyone is familiar with the potential symbology

Then after being told, with image examples, that it’s a natural formation.

I grew up in a literal haunted house.

I am 100% serious, though being diagnosed later in life with bipolar type 1...

Given the last line I would suggest to you that it’s probably not a bad idea to get in touch with your usual doctor/psych and talk to them. Especially if you are prescribed medication as BD can make adherence to a medication regimen difficult as I’m sure you’re aware.

Always remember, if in doubt, take these questions to a medical professional rather than the internet. Here you could be getting advice from people more unwell than you are and don’t know about your situation or BD.

There's no meaning to it. It's just a rock that happens to have a circle mark on it.

Definitely just a rock. Here's a link where you can see lots of rocks with interesting markings, including a bunch that look like yours but with even more delineated markings.\_limit%2Ccs\_srgb%2Cq\_auto:eco%2Cw\_700/MTc0NjQ2OTYwMzM5MDM1NTE0/i-found-a-pretty-rock-on-the-beach-and-wondered-ii.webp

OP if you're thinking of this as anything other than just a regular rock then I'd suggest maybe getting in touch with your doctor